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Our whole friend group isn't at school today. Yujin had a concert and I had to film a interview for my
y/n daycare. My friends decided to be backstage to help me with whatever.

"1,2,3 hello! I'm here with.. RIIZE!" I said with jazz hands

"Your a new group yet very talented. Your debut song get a guitar is very popular it has hard footwork even I struggled on it" I laughed sheepishly

"You sound like a Fan y/n" Anton smiled "mhm I covered your song Siren. It's my favorite so far" I answered quickly because I really am a fan

"Hmm who's the oldest?" Sohee asked unexpectedly "shotaro" I said "ahh..whos the youngest?" Sohee asked again "Anton" I answered

"Whos your bias?" Wonnin asked "you actually" I laughed "seriously?" He asked surprised while his members laughed at his reaction "mhm" I nodded

"And your bias wrecker?" Shotaro asked "seunghan" I said sadly knowing he's in a scandal so he went on haitus and couldn't be part of my show. All of RIIZE just smiled at me sadly knowing it wasn't my intention to make the mood sad.

"When he's back I'll definitely invite y'all" I said enthusiastically. They just smiled at the thought of me being so supportive of them and him. " RIIZE is ot7" I said putting my fist up like idols do when they say 'fighting'.

"Your really young," sungschan said "how old were you when you debuted?" He continued

"I was 14 when I was on headlines to be the newest youngest idol at my company. I was 15 When i actually debuted" I answered

"14? And you were alone?" Sohee freaked "mhm I was supposed to be under JYP under one of his groups but I wrote my own songs and choreographed them too. I got the offer to be a soloist under HYBE and I took it" I explained

"What group?" Wonbin asked "NewJeans" I smiled "I'm close to them and I love how famous they are and so talented" I said "it's good you decided to be a soloist or you wouldn't be as famous" shotaro said

"If you were in a group you'd be holding back from your cool choreography and your songs that are either hype,rock,hip hop, or soothing and cute." He explained seeing my confused face

"Ahhh I though the same when I got the offer" I laughed

"I brought some food and hopefully you aren't allergic" I said and we sat at a table me at one end and RIIZE at the other.

"You can ask me questions and I'll ask you some. Me first though. So.. wonbin fans say you get scared easily do you agree?" I asked

"Ahh I do I don't like getting on roller coasters or haunted houses" he said slightly embarrassed " I do hope i can get on one without being so scared" he added

"Wahh such encouraging words from Wonbin" I joked making them all laugh "I can't blame you I get scared too but I sometimes like roller coasters but terrified if I somehow fall out one of" I added

"What song is your favorite from us so far" Anton asked me "siren!" I answered whole heartedly and quickly

"Seriously? Would you ever cover a song like that" shotaro asked " I already did" I laughed "oh! I forgit sorry" he apologized "no need to apologize" I waved my hands

"this has nothing to do with the question but your really friendly" Sohee said "I was going to say the same!" Sungchan chuckled pointing at Sohee

"Wah thank you! I'm usually really introverted I made my own show so I make friends and not lonely" I admitted sheepishly

"Your really kind so if you hadn't made this show we'd still talk to you" Wonbin reassured me "I-you- thank you" I stuttered and just gave up making them all laugh

"Can you perform any song you'd like to promote your group" I said to which they did their debut song get a guitar.

"That is all for today! It was nice meeting you RIIZE!" I said "your so kind" Sohee laughed "you all were the sweetest guest and definitely the least awkward for this being our first interaction" I giggled

( ̄▽ ̄) ( ̄▽ ̄) ( ̄▽ ̄) ( ̄▽ ̄)

The part when I stuttered after Wonbin comforted me was the most famous. Lots of videos claiming many of different things.


After reading some more comments I got a notification. From my crush too which made me curious what it was about.

( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

Are you replacing me

Why would I do that?

Your really close to RIIZE

we're friends
And the youngest one in the group is still a adult

Doesn't convince me

How can I show you I'm not replacing you?

Don't know

How do you expect me to prove myself then


..well yujin I'm not and never will
I just met them today

Yea yea
You met me for a day then we got close
All I know is you can do the same thing you
did for me to them



Are you perhaps jealous Im close to them

What makes you think that

Why else would you be so upset about
us looking close When they're all
adults and I'm 15

..when you put it like that it sounds weird
And if you need to know so much
I am indeed jealous


I shouldn't have told you

it's ok yujin
If I saw you with another girl and being
so close I'd be jealous too


I wouldn't say something so stupid to make you believe me so yes really

It's getting late 
Go to bed

Mhm good light

Lol light

.. don't mock me

Too bad
Good night

Soloist | Han yujin Where stories live. Discover now