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When y/n day care video got posted the most viewed part was when yujin (zerobaseone) said that little confession. Y/n reaction made it 10x better.

Netizens didn't believe the dating scandals but that was definitely something. Every zerose and spirit knew yujin and y/n go to school together and are friends since the interview but they didn't think they were that close.

Y/n once said on a live "do I watch boys planet? I do! Who am I hoping to debut? I kinda want yujin to he's my age I wish we can be friends"

Y/n never knew yujin went to her school until a month into his debut. When she interviewed zerobaseone she was delighted to talk to yujin the most and even admitted to it.

Y/n stated, "do I have a male idol friend? Yup! Yujin from zerobaseone! I eat with him during lunch with my three friends. I have his number saved too"

Yujin said on live before "y/n? What about y/n? Arm I close to her? Mhm she talked to me during school and makes me included in things. I have her number. She tells me a lot of things and I tell her a bunch of things back"

Yujin always knew y/n because she was popular at school yet she never noticed him. Yujin also said y/n falls asleep on class a lot and only is herself at lunch aka the time when a bunch of Students crowd her.


Netizens have been said to see them in public together alone. Sakura (y/n cousin) has said on live y/n trusts Yujin a lot and he is one of her closest friends. She also said yujin feels the same for y/n

Y/n has many of idol friends for various of reasons but despite yujin being of the latest ones y/n displays a lot of affection towards him.

They both mention each other a lot in lives and what not. Y/n doesn't have any make friends and said she doesn't want any due to the fact she'll end up in a scandal but she's willing to risk it all for Yujin.

Yujin interacts with female idols but not in that type of way. He doesn't hug his own members so willingly but when it comes to y/n he's more than happy to hold her hand or hug her.

The two have been said to be a cute duo and have a adorable friendship. Some might find their closeness a bit more than just friends. In other words secret lovers.

Spirits think the songs written by y/n are about yujin and hope she Writer more. Whatever their relationship is together netizens are curious about it.


"Y/n I'm sure you saw what everyone is talking about" Kira walked in my room and saw me reading some articles

"I'm pretty sure we won't be able to interact on camera from now on which sucks we're close and I was comfortable showing our friendship" I pouted and put my phone on my bed and got up to sit on my vanity

"Worse case scenario y'all cant talk on camera that doesn't mean y'all can't hang out secretly off camera" Kira said "true but what if they ban us from talking" I asked

"They won't and if they do rebel against them they won't kick you out your the most popular and talented here!" Kira said "don't say that Kira! We all talented and popular" I scolded her

"The company won't kick you out of here your too good to waste over dumb articles that don't even know your personal life" Kira huffed "yes you like him but it's not like it's that obvious you do" Kira emphasized 'that'

"Where's suyin and Umi?" I asked "they went out to get us some snacks" Kira said "you got a text" Kira handed me my phone

"It's from yujin" I muttered

You seen the videos and edits?

No but I read the articles

Oh I haven't yet

I'm sorry for dragging you down yujin

It's not your fault at all
Don't blame yourself

I was the one who even called you
and it started all of this

We've been in a scandal since the interview
They just have plenty of reasons now
Besides I was the one who said all that

Don't even try turning this on you
You did nothing wrong
I got carried away

I know your stubborn y/n and
usually it's a good thing but
seriously stop feeling bad

You do realize I'm ruining your reputation

I don't care
They find anything to complain about
As long as their interested they don't care

That's a fair point
I still feel bad

The only apology I'll take is if you
hang out with me

You do know if we get caught
we'll only add fuel to the flame

Which is why you need to be sneaky

Im very sneaky for your information >:(
Don't underestimate my skills

That's great
Now we can hang out together

If we buy anything just know
I'll pay for it


What idiot gives away free stuff?

This 'idiot' does
My mom raised me to not let a
female spend her money on me

Your mom is right but it's like a sorry thing

Your company is enough for a payment 🤷‍♂️

No offense yujin but
That's so stupid

So your saying us hanging out is stupid? 🤨

The fact is only hanging out will
make you happy is stupid

Well it's true
I don't care what those 'fans' think
Neither should you

Your comfort and reassurance is
actually helping me

It better be

Don't you got practice tomorrow?



Your not ruining anything y/n

Please be quiet and go to sleep


Nighty night!

Good night y/n

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