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"This is my second interview with zerobaseone!" I said doing jazz hand signaling to my guest "last time after our interview Taerae got my number so we're good friends and I see a few of y'all in public" I said

"Wait ...genuine question," gyuvin started "did you watch boys planet?" Ricky finished his sentence for him

"I did actually" I nodded "why?" I asked

"Out of all of us who did you like the most" Gunwook asked "I was hoping yujin would debut because we were close in age and I wanted to meet more idols my age" I answered truthfully

"Really?" Yujin asked looking right in my eyes "really" I nodded smiling widely

"Ok the first game for y/n daycare will be this or that!" I exclaimed "I'll share my opinion too" I said
"Go to this side of the room for this and that dude for that" I pointed to both side of the room

"First one...pft!" I busted out laughing after reading it "would you rather fart loudly in public or throw up in public" I asked

"Oh" I heard zhanghao said "I'd do neither but.." he said drifting off and headed to fart loud side of the room

Most of them did

"Are yall being for real?" I asked gasping "I'd rather throw up" I said "huh?!" They all said

"Farting is so embarrassing to me if I ever fart with someone I would literally blame it on someone else" I said whole heartedly

"If your girlfriend was mad at you would you apologize first even if your not in the wrong or wait until she apologizes" I asked

Most of them would truthfully not apologize but they said they would for their idol image.

"When I'm mad at someone I don't care if I'm in the wrong I'll never apologize for something" I said "really?" Mathew asked "yea I just hate claiming I'm wrong like 'uhh I was kinda in the wrong..sorry' like noo I hate it" I said acting it out

"You seem them type to say sorry first" hanbin mumbled "ahh thank you!" I said smiling "was that really a good thing?" Zhanghao asked sassily

"Was it?" I asked facing hanbin "of course it is!" Hanbin smiled and it looked believable enough to me so I let it go

"Quality time or gift giving" I asked and yujin looked hesitant to answer "you but a bunch of things It's obvious what you'll say" I said and yujin laughed before heading to gift giving

Both sides were pretty even if I had to say so myself

"What about you y/n?" Taerae asked "quality time. We can be on a walk and not talk the whole time and I'll be happy just by knowing your next to me" I said "ahh so it's their presence that comforts you" Matthew realized what I meant "exactly!" I smiled

"If you were a sauna and something happened for you to evacuate,would you cover your face with the towel or your body?" I asked laughing at the question

"Uhmm" gyuvin Said thinning hard about the question "what would you choose?" Jiwoong asked me having a hard time what to choose

"My face. If I cover my body and fans see my face they'll probably try to pull it off me. If I cover my face they'll be curious of who's behind it but I doubt anyone would walk up to me when I'm...un dresses... just to see who it is" I said

"that makes sense but I don't really want my nudes all over the internet" Ricky said and I bursted out laughing at his bluntness "you can't say that when I'm filming" I said hitting him lightly

"Next game will be in the gym let's go!" I said leading them to the gym set up we have "I don't think y'all know this but I used to do track in junior high so I'll be teaching you all" I exclaimed and I saw them all not look to excited besides a few of them

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