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It's been a week since yujin has been eating lunch with us.We all got closer to him easier than we thought.

Today he looked extra happy for some reason.I was eating my lunch when Kira asked the same thing I've been wondering. "Hey yujin you look super happy today whys that?" "My childhood friend is coming back to school tomorrow!"

He looked like a super cute kid saying that.I had no idea who the fuck his friend is though. "Maybe we can all sit together at lunch tomorrow then" suyin announced

"Yea of course!" We all agreed to suyins idea.I couldn't wait to meet his childhood friend. I had no idea who it was but I was excited to see them.

Just like any other day yujin walked me to class but today he told me "I'm sure my friend would be happy to see you guys" "mhm well I'm looking forward to it!" He laughed and went to his class

When I sat down I automatically asked my friends "Who's his friend?I never saw him hang out with anyone" "that's cause you never noticed him till now and I don't know either but I know that's why he was eating by himself" Kira answered

"Yea I heard she was gone for a month so yujin had to eat by himself until we welcomed him" Umi said "Mhm well I can't wait to meet them!" I said

"Hey guys did y'all uhm do the homework in math?" Suyin randomly asked "Oh yea I did" umi answered "I only need one more question then I'm done" I told them "Uhm no I didn't answer anything" Kira muttered but we all heard

"You better hope you become a idol so you can automatically pass cause your actually dumb as fuck" umi answered "I'm actually really good at math I just don't do any work!" Kira argued "Knowing how to count to 100 doesn't mean you good at math Kira" suyin teased "yah!"

That was their nature-always arguing then make up quickly afterwards.Me and umi are the calm and rational duo and them they're the dumb and even dumber duo.

I didn't do much about the arguing I was lost in my own world.I kept thinking if Yujins friend.

Who is his friend?Is it a guy or girl?What do I say to them? Do I introduce myself?Hi I'm y/n and Im - no that's too much already.Do I just say my name?Would that be considered rude? Ugh this is what I get for not socializing more.

I scolded myself in my head.I honestly didn't care much of my schoolmates as they never even like me until I became famous.What a bunch of fake people.

The three girls I always hang out with liked me before I became one.I didn't even tell them I was a trainee until I saw Kira.

I met kira at school I still remember

I'm so gonna be late.I then bumped into a girl my age wearing the same uniform as me "Omg I'm so sorry!Here let me help you" I started helping her to pick up her pencils that fell. "hi who are you?And thank you by the way" she asked "Ah I'm y/n!And it's no problem it was my fault anyways" I shrugged it off "I'm Kira!It was since meeting you I hope fate makes us stumble into each other again"She said before walking away in a hurry like me

Once I made it to my company I was walked into the practice room and started practicing when I saw her again. "Uh y/n your a trainee here too?" She asked when she noticed me practicing near her "Uh yea I never noticed you when did you come here?" "Oh 5 months ago..uh what about you?" "Three years ago" "really?!" "Mhm surprising huh someone who's been here for three years still isn't in a group" "No not at all I admire you for that!"

"Oh thank you so much!" "Mhm no problem hey uh how old are you I realized we go to the same school I just never saw you" "Oh I'm 14 turning 15" "Ohh ok hm hopefully I see you at school then.Oh!We should walk together here from school then!" "Omg yes I always walk alone and it's weird" "Right?!Ugh I'm so lucky being able to relate to someone this much"

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