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I was in my living room playing with my roommates for hours.It was the weekend but tomorrow we had to go back to school.We all decided to spend quality time together.

It didn't turn out so well.Suyin and Kira started arguing like they always do.Umi fell pretty hard trying to get water.And me..i was freaking out.

"Hey y/n someone is texting you" umi informed me so of course my nosy ass friends peeked over my shoulder I saw who it was.

Han Yujin

Hey y/n
Since school is tomorrow
can I sit with you during lunch again?
You don't have to agree but I'd like if you did

Of course you can!
I'll go to your class so we can go together

Oh no you don't have to do
all that for me

No it's ok i want to

Ok fine but I'll drop you off

No it's ok i don't want you to be late

I won't be late don't worry
And I want to do it

Mhm well see you at school then!

Yea bye!

Bye bye

"And I want to do it"Kira said forcing her voice voice to sound like yujin.....she didn't sound anything like him.

"Do it?!What?!" Suyin yelled as she couldn't really see my screen she was in the back and is short.

"Aww he's gonna walk you to class!If a guy our age did that to me I'll be hard over heels for him!" Umi exclaimed "Oh!I agree with umi!You're lucky to have such a nice man like that in your life y/n." Suyin said and was going to say more before she got interrupted

"Exactly so imagine how he would treat his girlfriend if he had one!"kira said "Oh my god your so right!" Suyin said "When y/n finally asks him he'll treat her so well"Kira said to be backed up by umi "Omg! They'll be the cutest couple ever!"

"Holy shit umi you scared me"i said "and maybe if he asks me out cause there's no way I'll ask him"

"He's too much of a scaredy cat for that"suyin mumbled though she said it quietly only Kira heard it and she giggled

"Well we have school tomorrow we should get some sleep!" Umi said we all agreed and went to our beds.

Kira managed to ask to convince her company to let her stay the night.They only said yea when I came into the room asking.That's the benefit of being a popular and successful idol that millions of people love.

The next day we were all getting ready to go school. We all wear makeup to school but not too much.Just a natural look.When we got there we kept talking even we made it too class.When the teacher came in we all shut up though.


It's now 3 minutes before lunch time.Our teacher let us out early. "Ah i have to go get yujin I'll meet y'all at our table!"y/n said "mhm bye!" Kira said "Bye get there safely!" said umi "see ya later!" I said

they definitely like each other.No doubt about it.It's painfully obvious too.Both are too dumb to realize it though.If they're not going to do anything i will.

I won't be dumb and make him jealous cause that never works-trust me i found that out the hard way.

No instead I'll be giving hints and be the friend to tease them.Not now though.They just became friends i dont want to scare him off and ruin the plan I had.

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