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After a long week of having Mei steal yujin away from me every second of the day she was finally gone. Much to my dismay I interacted with yujin zero times the whole week thanks to her being by his side the whole entire time.

Can't blame her though I do the same so I guess I'm not the one to talk.

Luckily i have a other interview scheduled for zerobaseone in three week. Yujin seems to be more excited about it than I am.

"What will you make us do?" Yujin asked while were studying in the school's library "that's a secret" i said pretending to zip my lips shut

"Tell me please! I won't snitch" he said batting his pretty eyes at me "I'm sure you'll survive not knowing that for a few weeks" i rolled my eyes and went back to my books

"If I help you for the next history test will you tell me" yujin asked knowing history is my worst subject and how badly I wanted to pass

"I will accept your offer" i said sheepishly "you got all the dates mixed up" he pointed out and I dead panned

"Seriously? I thought I got them all down" i mumbled "we've seriously need to study if you think your right" yujin sighed unintentionally hurting my feelings

"I might not tell you if you keep calling me dumb" i pouted after he went on about how stupid i am "I'm a good tutor your just a terrible listener" Yujin put his hands up defensive

"Youre a bad teacher" i shook my head "says you" yujin pointed at me "I'd be a great teacher unlike you" i huffed "You really wouldn't you'd get your students all the wrong answers"yujin argued

"I really wouldn't" i said "but you seriously would. You got a thirty on a quiz that only had twelve questions" yujin reminded me

"I'll study by myself thank you very much" i scoffed and took my books to study alone "i don't need distractions" i added and started writing down important stuff I read which was practically everything i saw

"I didn't mean it like that y/n.." Yujin frowned seeing me genuinely hurt "hm" i looked away from him "look at me please y/n" yujin called out softly

Instead of even glancing his way I turned my whole back on him. I continued to write in my journal unbothered when I heard a chair scrape the floor.

I then saw a upset yujin sit on the other side of me. The side of me that didn't have my back to it.

Once i saw him I changed my position. I had my back on him once again.

I can see through my laptop he was pouting. I would usually smile but I was genuinely mad and sad. I don't like when people bring up my intelligence. No matter how close you are to me if you mention it in a bad way I will be offended and take it personally.

When I felt someone hug me from behind i was beyond confused. Me and yujin hug and get in arguments- mostly because of me and small ones- but his hands were completely wrapped around me and his face was close to mine.

I can feel his breathe on my neck and it was honestly tickling me. I almost laughed because how I found this situation quite hilarious but I was able to contain myself from doing so.

"Fi-ne...I'm not mad at you anymore yujin" i stuttered out and I internally cursed myself out for that

"I never heard you stutter before y/n" yujin laughed yet didnt stop hugging me "hmm..are you perhaps... nervous?" He asked

"Nervous? Why would I-the f/n l/n-be nervous?" I Said "that sounds more like you" yujin laughed "wahh you have a concert this week huh?" I asked

"Mhm will you be there?" Yujin asked "i can try to but I'm not completely sure" i answered truthfully "ahhh well if you don't it's fine! I'll be at yours" yujin smiled brightly

"You better be my number one supporter!" I said "i most definitely will be" yujin laughed "good!"

"I helped you study,right?" Yujin asked "yea... why?" I asked "you promised if I helped you study you would tell me what we're doing at your interview" yujin said

"I forgot about that" i mumbled "Well i didn't do tell me!" Yujin said finally letting me go just to start shaking me side to side "quit shaking me then I will!" I said lightly hitting his arm that's gripping into my shoulder

"Oh! Sorry" yujin Said with a awkward smile "I'm not sure what we'll do but I know for sure we'll be playing this or that" i said "will there be food?" Yujin asked "every interview of mine has food" i laughed

"I can't wait for the interview now! I won't snitch by the way" yujin said "i didnt think you would" i shook my head

"seriously?" Yujin asked and be looked very confused "Seriously" i nodded confirming it with him

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