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Screams and cheers were heard all over the stadium and I couldn't help but feel proud for how far I came.  I always been well known and praised a lot but knowing millions of people idolize me makes me want to cry.

When kids say they want to be like me and become a trainee as a kid makes me want to cry too. When yuyu said that I felt like my heart stopped beating.

I get told that many of times weekly even. Now I'm on stage interacting with fans playing around with my lovely members who are also my long lasting friends since years ago.

I get sad remembering how old we are and how much we do. Our oldest is only a few months older than me the youngest. Yet we all have so much pressure on us from having almost 700 million fans after debuting as a group almost a hundred days ago.

We just finished performing our twentieth song and I was sweating badly. Luckily I wore a short sleeve black tight crop top and black shorts with my hair in a bun so I had the air hit my skin perfectly.

My hair (bangs if you have some) stuck to my face which slightly irritated me so I brushed them aside showing my forehead more and my cheeks.Only a few hours later will I know how much fans loved how I looked like that.

When one my old solo songs played U+I I got embarrassed and crouched down covering my face laughing. My members got hyped up despite it not even being their song and they sang it with me.

The staff played a lot more of my solo songs and my members knew the lyrics to ever single one of them. It didn't feel like a concert but a karaoke club.

Fans were singing (yelling) the lyrics with us making it so much more fun. I was jumping up and down singing to the lyrics with venoms chanting our names.

I can't explain how much fun I was having especially when Kira jumped down from the stage to take pictures with venoms up close.

Even though umi is the leader she too jumped down and ran through the big crowd of people while they took videos of her running around happily.

"If I jumped from this stage to there will y'all catch me and throw me like a stage dive type thing?" Suyin asked venoms in front of me who nodded

"Heck yea!" Suyin pumped her fist up like a little kid who just got candy and suyin jumped from the stage and the crowd actually caught her and changed 'suyin!suyin!suyin' over and over again

I was the last one off the stage and I skipped up the stairs and waved,hugged,posed,and overall interacted with fans who looked very happy to talk to me.

I had a bunch of hair clips in my hair and I took some out to give to venoms because how much I love them. If my stylist makes me pay I will it would be worth it anyways.

I was the first to go back on stage and sat down on the edge of the stage hanging my feet and kicked my feet while I was at it. I sang along to the songs that played and took some venoms phone to film myself.

All good things must come to a end and the concert officially ended. Backstage umi started congratulating us like she does before and after every concert or any performance for that matter.

Umi leads us Well and i feel like without her we'd be complete chaos. Umi comforts us too and it's very effective I like the way she is I hope she never changes.

After our pep talk I was tackled into a hug from behind from someone. I saw a strand of their hair and I automatically knew who it was.

"Yujin you came?" I asked playing with his hair "i told I would didn't I?" He asked putting his head in the crook of my neck easily since my hair is finally out of the way

Soloist | Han yujin Where stories live. Discover now