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Those 4 days came by quickly and I was able to do a live.As soon as it started I was in my living room and Al my friends were with me in the background.

"Ah well hi!Im back after taking a break.I am in a new dorm with my besties!Kira,Suyin,And Umi!We all moved in together actually!"

We all started taking about how it's been so far. "Wah you have no idea how long suyin takes to take a shower!It takes like forever" "omg that was once" we always are like this with each other so it was funny.We all were on live besides Kira who was on her phone.

We answered questions that my fans asked and had fun. Kira was scrolling on TikTok and saw a smoothie hack "omg guys!we should try this" we thought we could do it so we went to the kitchen still on live and attempted to make the smoothie

We made a mess trying to make it.It made my hands sticky from cutting a Mango and peach.All that for it to taste pretty good actually. "Uh it definitely wasn't worth the mess we made but at least it was fun making it" Suyin said

"Totally.."Kira said "I'll try to make this again cause it is good but I'll try to be more careful when I do" said umi "It kinda taste like nothing it said it would but it's kinda good"I said

By the end of our lives we did a lot in our dorm. When we had to say bye we all said it at the same time. When it finally ended we wanted to go to a cafe near its only 5 minutes away.

When we did we all ordered completely different drinks.When we got them we all tried each others and continued drinking our own drinks.We were just talking about school until Yujin texted me.

I saw your live like I said I would
I have no idea what you were trying to make
but hopefully it was good

Oh yea it was!
It just got my hopes up
What are you doing right now!

Oh I'm just in my practicing room

Oh you're practicing right now?

No we're taking a break
What about you?

Oh I'm at a cafe

Did you get a drink
And if you did is it good

Oh yea I did
And it's amazing!

What place is it

Uhh it's called c/n

Sweet I'll try to go one day
What did you get

Oh just d/n

I'll try it too then

C/n=cafe name
D/n= drink Name




I had to have a concert today and I was excited.I would be able to walk around the stadium and interact with fans.And I would perform the songs I made the ones that I already performed at least.

I had to wear a dark green cargo pants and a black cropped top-but not too cropped.They straightened my hair too.The makeup I had was very glittery and cute.

When I got on stage my fans were already cheering for me.I started singing while running everywhere I could waving,hugging,and even holding hands with fans.My staff tried to stop me from getting to close from them but that didn't stop me.

Even the person in charge of filming me was having a problem of doing so.I was having so much fun doing small dance parts of my songs if I could.

That was until someone yelled "Put that laser down" I heard about those People who try to hold that laser in idols eyes so they get hurt very badly.I turned around and started running away trying to act like I'm fine when I was panicking.

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