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Kira would be filming her first ever blog and I was told to stay out of it. I was bored out my mind just walking around korea.

I was just in my phone at a Café When someone say Next to me. It was Yujin surprisingly.

"Why are you here?" He asked "Kira is filming a blog without me in it so I needed to out the dorm" I sheepishly scratched my head

"Ahh I'm free today to let's hang out together!" He cheered "of course! Where to?" I asked smiling "uhh a arcade" he suggested while I nodded

"Let's go!" I grabbed his hand leading him to a arcade near


Feeling her hand in mine felt nice. I'm not really one all about skinship yet when it comes to y/n i don't seem to mind at all.

Her smile is just so contagious it made me smile too. Positive is a way to describe her. Anywhere she goes she makes people smile with her own.

For someone who's my age she fits Korean beauty standard perfectly. She's just beautiful in my eyes. She doesn't even try to be pretty yet she is.

Once y/n brought us to the arcade she ran to the basketball. "Let's see who's better" she said "it's going to be me" I cockily replied pretending to flip my nonexistent long hair off my shoulder

It made her laugh so it's fine. For a second I thought I just embarrassed myself.

After a minute or so the game stopped and I got 32 shots while y/n got 27. "Wahh I wasn't that far off... i would've made more if it wasn't for you tickling me!" She suddenly complained

It's true I saw she was winning and started tickling her so she got distracted. The whole time I was still shooting and her hair pin fell so she picked it up wasting her time on scoring.

"You cheated" y/n pouted "you call it cheating I call it winning" I sassed making her jaw drop yet the corner of her lips started to curve into a smile

A whole hour passed since we been at the arcade playing games. I won most of them some by cheating and some by not. Y/n only won 2 and complained the whole time how I'm cheating.

We somehow came back to the basketballs again and she challenged me once again.

"Get ready to loose by the Yujin of zerobaseone" I flexed "be ready to loose by the y/n" she flexed making me chuckle

Mid way playing she tickled me. I immediately stopped what I was doing and out my arms attempting to cover my stomach but she kept going.

When she stopped I stopped covering my stomach which I regret since she went back to doing it. When she stopped the time already went out and she won.

"You cheated" I nudged her slightly "you call it cheating I call it winning" she mocked what I said earlier

"You look cute when you laugh that much" she suddenly giggled "I can say the same to you...you always smile but the way you did a few minutes ago you looked like you were actually having fun" I said

"I'll take that as a compliment" she said unsure "it was" I stated





I spent the whole day with yujin and came back to the dorm with a huge smile on my face.

"You were with yujin?" Suyin asked in the kitchen probably making us some ramen to eat "mhm he was free and so was I so we hanged out" I said taking off my shoes

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