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"Y/n" yujin poked my cheek with his pen "hm?" I hummed out tapping my fingers against the table

"This is so boring let's do something else" Yujin complained "I let you stay in my dorm because we're studying" I said

"No one is here" he whined "yup now do your math problem" I said "let's watch a movie" he suggested

"Sure once you finish your homework that's due tomorrow" I flashed him a fake smile "I want to watch it now we can do homework later" yujin groaned

"Unlike you I want to pass and graduate because I'm actually smart and get in a college" I said "one paper isn't going to depend on all that" yujin rolled his eyes at me

"Obviously dummy but I'm kinda good at this for once and that's saying a lot cause I'm terrible at math" I flicked my hair over my shoulder accidentally hitting yujin in the process

"This is the first time you said no to me" yujin realized "did you expect me to say yes?" I asked laughing a bit "yea actually" he nodded

"Since you won't agree I'll make you" he announced "pft! How will you do th-what are you doing?" I asked leaning back when his face was a bit too close to mine

Literal inches away to the point he can probably see my pores clearly. My ears flushed into a red I can feel it burn and my eyes widen at the sudden closeness between us.

Yujin smirked and slipped his hands behind my back and the back of my knees and was carrying me to the couch.

He sat down first so I was basically on his lap. Still holding onto me that jerk laid down making me sprawled over him also laying down.

I tried getting up to only get pushed back down onto him. For a sixteen year old he has a strong grip. I grabbed his Hands that are placed on my waist and tried to pry them off of me but it was no use.

"I'm trying to do my homework yujin" I complained "You had concert yesterday and practiced everyday for four or more hours for a whole month and you don't want to rest? Instead you want to study for a test?" Yujin asked as if I was stupid

"We're watching a movie that's final so don't try to make me let go because I won't" yujin huffed and one of his hands left my waist to my upper back

As he scrolled through looking for a good movie to watch he saw my demon and played it. Not even ten minutes in to the series did i feel a bit sleepy.

Yujin noticed and chuckled at me falling asleep on top of him.

"Can you...play with my hair it helps me go to sleep" I asked him embarrassed he has to see me beg for him to do something "of course" he chuckled and played with my hair

Not much after he started doing that I fell asleep in his arms. He was warm so I didn't mind about the temperature. If anything everything was just right to go to sleep.


Y/n looks so peaceful sleeping in my arms. She looks good doing everything and anything though.

I can't lie and say I'm not happy the fact she sticks beside me at all times.

Or at least when she can.

I also can't say I don't get jealous when any guy who's not me talks to her. I won't count myself as possessive but I will gate keep her from anyone.

We're not a thing but I really wish we were. When she told both our companies to not deny it or agree to our scandal it seriously made me feel some type of way.

Phase one of my plan is complete. The amount of times we've hugged and be closer she hasn't pulled back once.

She didn't even look disgusted by the fact we're a lot more touchy than usual. In fact she looked happy that we are.

Now I just have to flirt as a joke in hope she will play along to my joke but my so called Joke isn't a joke. Hopefully she plays along and doesn't make me look stupid.

I've caught on to her sleeping habits from all the times she slept in front of me before. She clings onto something to fall asleep and sometimes doesn't want to let go When she is asleep.

She doesn't snore or sleep with her mouth open but she flinches in her sleep despite her eyes already being closed.

At first I thought she had a nightmare when I witnessed her in the act but it happens every time. I'm just thankful she doesn't sleep with her eyes open.

Her plump lips don't open at all. They have a natural pink tint to them which only makes her so much cuter than she already is.

Her bareface is just as pretty than when she has makeup. I know she pretends to be contingent with her natural face for her fans but she's truly a bit insecure about it.

She became very comfortable with me to be able to show me how she looked like without her makeup since I showed her way before she thought it'd only be fair.

Her cozy outfits look so cute on her too. I love her style it matches her well. She just looks so cute and unreal to me sometimes I think she's a real life doll.

She was born to be a idol. She became a trainee at ten years old and was a backup dancer for bts, (g)I-dle,straykidz,twice,and seventeen for years until she debuted as a soloist the day she became fifteen.

I'm happy she's taking a nap for two reason. One is because she seriously needs to rest and take care of herself more. Two is because I absolutely suck at math and that's actually why I kept complaining.

I'm not absolutely terrible but I'm close to that. I'd only slow her down but she's not that much better than I am. Y/n also sucks at math.

I'll just ask zhanghao for the answers and share them with y/n like I usually do. Y/n isn't stupid in some cases-thankfully- so I'm other words she's not a total airhead.

She's not born smart either she studies hard and I admire her for that. I just depend on the fact I'm a idol and can graduate because of my career.

Unlike me,y/n wants to get into a college and pass because she's actually smart.

I don't get how she's so independent. It amazes me by the way she acts. She's just the best.

People who hate her are liars because there's no way you can hate someone like her. A perfection. If I could I would kidnap her and keep her for myself.

No words can describe how perfect she is. They say no one is perfect but here is y/n living proof of that.

The world doesn't deserve to have y/n. She's too good for anyone-not including me- she can get anyone she likes. Sadly that guy isn't me. Or at least not for long.

In my eyes she hasn't been close to rejecting my hugs or anything. So in my books that means she likes me a little more than close friends.

I don't see her show that much skinship with anyone else but me. So in some way I feel special.

My amazing,spectacular,and totally gonna work plan is so far a great plan. I'm actually proud of myself for doing this all by myself.

Today will be the day I'll flirt with her. But I really don't know how.

I remember she tried to on text and I became dry because I got nervous. I actually liked it and if I wasn't so shy back then I would've shot my chance with her right then and there.

But now I have to be the one that makes the move not her. I honestly want her to because I'm too scared.

I swore to myself and to my members I won't back down so I can't now. Besides I want to look better than her by being the one to make us work. So I can take the credit when we get together.

Then fans can thank me for bringing us together.

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