new experience's

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                       Time skip

The school day had ended and jisung was walking home with his hood on and hands in his pockets with his airpods in

Jisung loved this time of year the cold breeze blowing in his face, all the leaves on the ground, daylight grows shorter, hoodies, sweaters, snow, sweat pants, everything about this time of year was his favorite..

Jisung was happily walking back to his apartment when he got a message


Hey, you coming to eat with us?

Yea I'm just going home to get a couple things

Oh okay! Where's your apartment,
I'll come pick you up!

You don't have to do that I can
just take the bus

I want too if that's okay

Yea, I live in apartment 143
on street levanter

Okay, I'll be there in 15


Jisung was now back at his apartment changing into black ripped jeans with a white t- shirt and an black and white checkered cardigan

"This looks sooooo cute. Imma wear it and hope it don't scream gay" Jisung said chuckling at himself

Jisung hadn't realized yet, but Felix knocked multiple times and he never came to the door so he just welcomed himself in.

Felix had walked up to Jisungs room just as he said that but stayed silent for just a few minutes because he's mosey like that (same tbh)

"atp idc it's cute I'm wearing it" jisung said turning around to get his keys, cigarettes and other necessities

"Your gay?" Felix asked making jisung scream and jump

"O. M. G WHEN DID YOU GET HERE!?!?" Jisung screamed

"Like 5 minutes ago. Now answer my question, Your gay?" Felix said

"Yeah, I am lol. But don't tell the group, I ain't tryna get judged yet. Also please don't judge me" jisung said as he scratched the back of his head

"Jisung, I am literally gay himself and everyone else is either gay, bi, a-sexual or pan" felix reassured

"Oh. Why didn't you say anything?? Is anyone dating??" Jisung asked shocked

"Jisung. I literally told you when I introduced everyone that 90% of the group is dating each other. The only ones who aren't dating anyone is Changbin, seungmin, and Minho" felix pinched the bridge of his nose

"Oh, sorry I tend to block a lot of stuff out when I'm around a lot of people" jisung said laughing it off

"It's fine, now c'mon we've got people waiting on us" felix said walking out of Jisungs room

"Okay let's go" jisung said running out of the door dragging felix behind him

When Felix and jisung got to the car jisung got in and sat down in the passenger seat

"Here you can have the aux" felix said handing jisung the aux cord

"Sweet, thanks lix" jisung said as he played 'back to me' by the rose

as he and felix drove to the restaurant they screamed music at the top of they're lungs, just enjoying themselves as they drove

"Okay, we're here" Felix said as he pulled into the parking lot

Jisung got out of the car and walked into the restaurant with Felix and sat down with everyone

"So what does everyone want? It's on me tonight!" Hyunjin said

"I want tebokki and ramen" seungmin said as the waitress began taking their orders

"same thing as him please" felix said

"I want kimchi dumplings" jeongin said

"Kimchi fried rice for me" Minho said

"I want seaweed soup" Changbin said to the waitress

"Sungie , what do you want?" Minho asked bringing jisung out his thoughts

"Um.. I'm not that hungry actually " jisung said trying to avoid eating

"Do you like kimchi fried rice?" Minho asked

"Yea, I mean who doesn't?" jisung said

"Okay two orders of kimchi fried rice" Minho told the waitress

"I want Jjajangmyeon" chan said

"Okay! I'll have those out in a few minutes!" She said as she walked back to the counter

Jisung didn't realize till just now that Minho was sitting next him

"wanna go smoke with me?" Jisung asked Minho

"Sounds good to me"

A/N: So, how's your day been luvs?
Have you eaten? If not please do!
Love you guys ❤️❤️

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