Look after you

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Minho was now standing in Jisungs living room looking around at all the pictures of Jisungs family, baby pictures, pictures with friends, and some pictures of a dog

Minho looked around Jisungs apartment and realized all the dog toys the dog bed and bowls around the apartment

"Okay, I have everything I need min!" Jisung said coming out of his room with a kuromi tote bag

"Okay sweets" Minho said walking over to hug jisung so he could get the bag from jisung

"Why'd you take my baggg" jisung said giggling like a little school girl

"So I can carry you, your staying with me because I'm worried and I have to look after you or I won't sleep" Minho said opening arms for the boy

"Min, I'm fine you don't have to carry me everywhere" jisung chuckled

"Atleast get on my back then?" Minho asked

"Fine" jisung gave in getting on Minhos back "I'm not too heavy am I?"

"No, your actually really light. Have you been eating well sung?" Minho asked

"Yea.." jisung lied He hadn't had a proper meal in 2 weeks

When Minho and jisung got in the elevator minho finally let jisung down

"Going up" the elevator announced

Minho and jisung walked down the hall to Minhos apartment

"Girls! I'm home!" Minho announced as he opened the door to his apartment making 3 cats come towards him

"Hi girls hi" Minho baby talked picking one of them up and walking into his apartment

"Your not allergic to cats are you??" Minho asked seeing jisung still standing outside

"No, I didn't know if I could come in yet or not.." jisung said lowly

"Of course" Minho said walking over to jisung grabbing his hand and pulling him into the apartment

"You can go sit down on the couch. I'll go get some water for you" Minho said walking away to the kitchen

Jisung began to look around at all the photos of Minho, friends, and family.

Jisung was looking at photos till he felt a cat purring at his leg

"Hi kitty!" Jisung said squatting down to let the cat smell his finger so it knew he was safe

Once the cat knew he was safe he picked it up like a baby and gently began rubbing its belly

Minho began walking back into the living room till he realized jisung and all his cats cuddled up on the couch

Minho began tip- toeing to the couch so he didn't scare the cats

"Hey" Minho said sitting the glasses of water of the coffee table

"Heyy, your cats are so cute and not to mention nice" jisung whispered

"They were adopted from a animal shelter. Surprised they warmed up to you so quickly" Minho chuckled

"Why do you say that?"

"I've been friends with Felix for a year and they still hide when he comes around"

"Oh?? That is weird! Maybe it's because they know I'm safe" jisung shrugged

"Maybe" Minho said

"Here drink your water" Minho said handing jisung his glass of water

"Thank youuu" jisung said before taking a drink of his water

"Your welcome, what do you wanna watch?" Minho asked turning on the tv

"I kinda need to take a shower before I do anything" jisung chuckled

"Oh yeah sorry forgot" Minho said

"I'll show you where it is" he said getting up to show jisung to the bathroom

"Okay thank you hyung" jisung said walking behind Minho down a hallway to the bathroom

How has your day been?
Have you eaten? If not please do!!
Have a good day/night!!

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