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Minho woke up about 4:30 AM still laying on Jisungs lap on the couch

Minho got up and woke himself up enough so he could pick jisung up bridal style and carry him to bed

Minho laid down in the bed and laid Jisungs head on his chest softly caressing his head just as he done every time they spent the night together

Minuo didn't know, but he was falling inlove with jisung

Minho fell back asleep rather quickly, while jisung never woke up

Minho woke up to the feeling of jisung no longer laying on him

Minho instinctively looked around his room to see if he could find the boy and instantly found a crying jisung sitting in a corner away from Minho

"Ji? Are you ok? Why are you crying sung?" Minho said quickly waking up at the sight but gently walking over to jisung

Jisung quickly wiped the tears from his eyes "I'm fine Minho hyung. I just got in my head about something" jisung said chuckling as Minho walked to him

"Are you sure? Were you overthinking because of me? Be honest." Minho said with genuine worry


"Why were you overthinking?" Minho asked

"Because of what happened last night when you were on the phone with your dad. I started thinking that you would leave me in the dirt because of him. I know that's dumb and I know I need to stop and check myself because we're not even dating, but I think I like you. I haven't "liked" someone since I liked a guy in busan and confessed and got made fun of . I guess I'm just kinda scared that's what's gonna happen now even though I don't think you would do that. Did I wake you up? If I did, I'm so sorry." Jisung cried out feeling tears start to pour down his face again

Minho pulled jisung close so he could help Jisung regulate his breathing before he spoke

"Ji, I'm not gonna leave you. If anything, I'm worried you'll leave me. But I do know one thing. Like I said last night 'your my calm in the storm'. I don't know what I would do without you sometimes ji. I really like you and I'm not gonna do you how other guys have done you. I promise" Minho said interlocking their pinkies

"I'm sorry for over reacting Minho hyung.." jisung said with his head down

Minho put his finger under his chin and looked him in the eyes

"It's ok. It's normal. You like me and you're scared. I'm scared too, but I'm trusting that it'll work out because I trust you jisung." Minho said

"I like you too hyung." Jisung giggled a little bit

Minho leaned in and kissed Jisungs cheeks and nose

Minho stood up and helped jisung up patting his head

"Thank you. For everything hyung." Jisung giggled

"Always sung" Minho said

"Do you wanna eat breakfast or don't really feel like it?" Minho asked

"I don't really feel like eating right now but I'll come sit with youuu" jisung said

"Oki, fine with me" Minho said

Jiusng climb on the counter watching TikToks and occasionally stealing glances at Minho

Minho decided to at least make Jisung a bagel, even if he didn't eat it

Minho had became like that. He always made Jisung something even if he said he wasn't hungry

Minho finally got done cooking and they went and sat in the Living room

"We watching movies all day todayyyy?" jisung asked

"If thats what you wanna do sung. If you want we can go to your apartment today and hang out there today. I'm not so sure it's a good idea to stay here today. My dad might end up coming and god only knows what will happen then" Minho said

"That's fine with me. Are you gonna stay at my apartment or just gonna hangout there for today?" Jisung asked

"That's up to you sung. If you want me to stay i'll gladly stay but if you don't want me too, thats fine too" Minho said

"So sleepover again tonighttttt?" Jisung said excitedly

"Okay let's eat then i'll go pack" minho said

"Ok hyung! Go eat!" Jisung said

"I made you a bagel if you want it. You don't have to eat it. I just couldn't only make myself something" Minho said

"aww thank you Minho hyung. I'll eat with you. Jisung said walking up beside Minho to kiss him on the cheek before running away to the kitchen

"Oh no you don't you little gremlin" Minnho said chasing after the younger

The boys ran around the kitchen laughing like love struck idiots

"hahaaa, I got youu" Minho said grabbing Jisung and pulling him into a big hug and kissing him on the top of the head

"You win you hobo" jisung said as he walked to the seat where his bagel was

"You won my heart though so, YOU actually won sung" Minho said laughing

"Now that on was cheeeeesy hyung" jisung said in between laughter

After that, the two sat down enjoying their breakfast in a peaceful silence

How are you luvs?
Have you eaten?
Have a great day/night!!

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