fight for you

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Jisung POV-

"That- That's him." I say quietly as I begin to frantically hit the close button

The elevator doors close and I fall back in Minhos arms

"Ji. Hey, hey look at me!" Minho said as he caught me

I looked up at him "breath with me. In through your nose, out through your mouth" He done it with me "It's ok. He's not gonna hurt you." He said

"Min you don't know how he is. He's terrifying." I say as I looked up in terror

"I've got an idea. Do you know everything you wanna pack?" Minho asked

"Not really" I say

"Well then we're gonna have to do plan b. I need you to stay back, you can go back to apartment or you can sit back and watch. Whatever you wanna do." He said as he rubbed my back

"Can I watch?" I say with a chuckle

"Sure." Minho asked

"Ready as I'll ever be!" I say standing up and grabbing Minhos suitcase "and while you do your sexy thing, I'll hold this" I say as I step out and wink

"You tease." He says as he walks by me

I chose to sit back a watch, so I could record

Minhos POV-

"Hey douche bag" I say from down the hallway

"Excuse me? Are you talking to me?" He said

"No Wooyoung. I'm talking to the fricken walls; yes I'm talking to you!?" I say

"What's your problem man? I don't even know you!?" Wooyoung says

"Yeah, you don't know me. But you know my boyfriend. And your getting ready to meet my fists," I say punching him directly in the face

He immediately fell to the ground "You gonna get up little boy?" I say looking down at him

He tries to get up but I put my foot on his stomach so he can't

I knelt down to him and looked at him He tried to punch me; it was the weakest attempt ever.

I punch him in the face for a few good punches then I stood up

I pressed my foot into his stomach making him whimper weakly underneath me

"Listen here and listen closely. You see that boy right there" I say as I point to the blushing Jisung in the corner "He's mine. M-I-N-E. All mine. Not yours, and he never will be yours ever again. Accept that. And if you don't? There will be plenty more fun waiting for you. Even think about messaging him again and he see what happens. If I ever; and I do mean EVER see your face here again. You're dead." I say pushing my foot harder

"He was mine before he was anyone's!" He tried to say

"What was that?" I say squatting down to him just having fun now

"He was mine before he was yours" He said as he tried again to punch me

"That's not the right answer. The right answer is yes sir. Let's try that again?" I lean down

"He's mine." Wooyoung says

I punch him three more times "wanna keep going?" I say

Wooyoung shook his head

"Then what do you say?"

"Yes sir." He finally says

"Great job!" I say in a sarcastic manner as I let my foot off of him "now let me walk to to the elevator" I say with a satire smile

He gets up and I push him to the elevator. He tries to look at jisung but I slap him across the face "let's not make anymore mistakes, ok?" I say walking into the elevator "bye bye now!" I say stepping out of the elevator.

3rd person POV-

"Boyfriend? aye" Jisung said bumping his shoulder with a little giggle

"You will be soon" Minho said winking and kissing his cheek then running to the apartment

Jisung ran down the hallway after him; didn't catch him until he was at the apartment.

Jisung lightly punched his shoulder "Now your being the brat" Jisung said as he unlocked the apartment

"Haha!" Minho said sticking out his tounge "Go pack so we can go" he said

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going" Jisung said walking to his room "come in here with me. I want you to help decide on what outfits I should pack" Jisung said

Minho went in the room and sat on the bed as Jisung pulled all his options out of the closet

"Ok!" Jisung said excitedly

Minho sat up and turned his phone off so he could help

"Since is spring break, i've got three pairs of shorts, two pairs of jogging pants, 6 shirts, and a jacket. Do you think that's enough?" Jisung asked

"Yeah that's plenty. Go pack your other necessities and i'll fold the clothes and pack them." Minho said getting on the floor next to him

Jisung replied with an okay and left to the bathroom. Thankfully when they first came home Minho went and cleaned up the bathroom so when he did come back home wouldn't come back to the mess. 

Jisung came back with all his stuff "Will you put this in there too?" he asked

"Of course sung" he said taking the bag

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