Their thing - Hyunlix chapter

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After school, felix as usual, went home and changed into his normal shorts and a tee shirt

Felix, just as all the rest of the boys, lived alone in a small apartment on levanter street

He walked into the kitchen and made himself a snack before going to sit down in the living room

He turned on one of his favorite shows and began eating his food

Felix was eating perfectly content when he heard a knock at the door

"Who is it?" He yelled as he got up from his spot and walking to the mirror next to his door and fixing his hair

"It's the best boyfriend in the entire worldddd duhhh!?" Felix heard from outside the door

After hearing the voice on the other side, he immediately opened the door and engulfed the boy in a tight hug

"Hi baby" Hyunjin said picking the boy up and walking into the apartment with the boy rapped around like a koala

"Hiiii" Felix said giggly cuddling far her into the boy

"Did you miss me a little bit love?" Hyunjin asked

"Maybeeeee" Felix replied giggling like a little school girl

Hyunjin walked over to the sofa and sat down letting the boy he was carrying straddle him

Felix sat on hyunjins lap cuddled into him for awhile watching the drama he had turned on

"Hey hyung, what was in those bags you were carrying?" Felix asked

"Just some face masks and some of the skincare products you said you were running out of"

"REALLYYYYY???" Felix asked jumping up and grabbing the bags

Felix started looking through the bags and finally found the face masks

There was two, one chicken and one the looked like ferret

"Hyun, what one do you wantttttt???" Felix asked excitedly

"I'll take the ferret and let you have the chick, IF you'll let me put yours on" Hyunjin said

"I always do, don't I?" Felix said giving him masks so he put his on and then put Felix's on

"Go ahead and lay your head in my lap sweets" Hyunjin said patting his lap for felix to lay his head down

Felix got comfy and laid his head down so Hyunjin could put the mask on him

They left the masks on for the usual 15 minutes and walked to the bathroom to take it off and rub it into their skin

This type of stuff was kind of their thing

Hyunjin coming unannounced with bags in his hands

It was something that both cherished and looked forward too

He always brought face masks, food, and if Felix said he needed something, he always was sure to pick it up too

The boys both got used to spending nearly every weekend together

They had only been dating for a few months but they both had knew they liked each other but never told each other

They were always both too scared to admit their feelings to each other, they cherished their friendship too much and was always worried about ruining that

Hyunjin was the first too admit and only admitted it after Seungmin ratted him out while they were hanging out over the summer

-- They hadn't met Jisung yet at this time --

It was all kind of like a scene out of a movie. Hyunjin dashed out of the house and was balling his eyes out and Felix stood up and ran after him. It was kinda like a fever dream

They were all always so close and most of everyone in the group knew about them liking each other but never told anyone

When Felix finally caught him, he had red puffy eyes, drench clothes and hair from rain, and couldn't breathe

Felix caught him by grabbing his arm and pulling him into his chest

They had sat down and talked about what happened and both told each other about the growing feelings they had for each other

Now, those same two boys, were cuddled up on the couch watching "Part-Time Idol," and putting face masks on

The two boys had fallen even farther inlove since everything happened

They would always meet up and go to lunch together, Hyunjin would always walk him to his classes -- unless he was late

They almost always spent weekends together

They had fallen madly inlove since then.

A/N: So, how's your day been luvs?
Have you eaten? If not please do!
Love you guys ❤️❤️

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