Really hurt me

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It was all kind of like Deja Vu for me..

(3 years ago..)

I slowly woke up, someone was holding me their arms

"Minho.. I'm sorry. Please, comeback to us baby" My mom said

At first I didn't know what she meant till I remembered what happened and felt excruciating pain in my head and stomach

My dad and I had gotten into a fight. He had found out I was bi

My mom had knew, she really didn't mind it

But when my dad found out, he threw glass beer bottles at me. I didn't really know what happened. I remembered him telling me then throw like three at me then I passed out

"Chaesook... I swear if you don't leave this house right now  I"LL BE SURE YOUR DEAD" Mom said through gritted teeth

"Whatever, f you" My father said

I hate even calling him that now

Mom I guess had already called the cops and ambulance because I remember hearing sirens and yelling then from there I can't remember nothing till I woke up after being in a coma for a week

the exact hospital I am sitting crying and worried in, was the same one my mom sat and sobbed in the nurses arms at.

"Lee Minho?" A nurse asked

"Yeah? That's me" I said looking up to see the nurse

The lady did seem very familiar

"Your okay now! that's great to see! I was the nurse that kept check on you when you were in here." The lady said smiling at me

"Oh my, thank you!" I said getting up to hug the woman

"It's my job haha but your welcome! Why are you here now though?" She asked

"My uh... friend or boyfriend or whatever, it's complicated. Anyway, he's hurt. I was actually just thinking of when I was in here" I said

"Maybe I'll end up being his nurse if he has to stay here tonight. If they will let you request me, my name is Kim seoksa" the woman said with a chuckle

"Yeah maybe" I said

The lady walked away after that leaving me with my thoughts

I'm so worried. I sat there for a moment till I remembered I had grabbed his phone

I pulled his phone out of my pocket and went straight to the messages

I seen what set him off...

his ex, Wooyoung messaged him.

It took every bit of strength in me at that moment to not text him and cuss him out

In all honesty the only thing that stopped me was being worried ji would get mad at me and the nurse that was in there with him coming out to get me

"Your friends in there. He's ok now. He's stable but we are going to keep him overnight so we know he's ok. Are you going to be staying with the patient tonight or will you be going home?" The nurse asked

"I'll stay here with him. Is there anyway I could request a certain nurse for him though?" I asked

"Of course! What's the nurses name and I'll tell her you requested her." The nurse said

" I think it's Kim seoksa?" I said with slight smile

"Ok! I'll tell her" she said walking away

I stood up and walked into the room

'He looks so weak' I thought

"Min?" He said lowly

"Hi ji.." I said

POV change!
Jisungs pov-

"Are you mad at me?..." I asked

"No love. I wouldn't ever be mad at you for relapsing" Minho said walking over and sitting in the seat by my bed

He grabbed my hand slowly rubbed his thumb along it "Do you wanna talk about what happened or no?" He asked

"I actually kind of do because I'm scared but I also don't want to cause I'm scared" I said

I told him when he picked me up that he messaged me but I don't think he heard. I feel like I should tell him what Wooyoung said so I'll be safe if he comes but I'm also so scared he'll act crazy over it.

"Do you what your comfortable with sung" he said reassuringly

"Okay, so I'm gonna talk about it. But you can't act crazy about it and just be happy that I'm telling you. Ok?" I said firmly to get the message across

In all honesty I really didn't feel like talking much at all but I feel like I need to tell someone before he comes after me

"Ok. Go ahead I'm listening" Minho said looking up at me still rubbing my hand

(Btw, Minho is acting like he didn't already see the messages so he can't comfort Jisung appropriately)

"Basically.. my ex. The one that made me hate myself sm that I moved here. He messaged me and basically threatened me." I said taking a breathe between each sentence so I wouldn't loose my breathe

"Saying if I didn't come back within 3 days he was going to come here and it "wouldn't be pretty" That scared me. A lot."

"Him just messaging me kinda threw me over the edge. Anytime I think of him I think abt doing it again. But i normally don't because I try to keep all promises."

"But when he messaged me every memory came racing back to me. I started balling my eyes out and that lead to me getting my blade out."

"I feel so bad for breaking my promise min. I tried... it just really hurt me. I'm sorry..."

3rd person POV -

"Ji, its ok stop apologizing. It happens. But I do wanna talk about this crazy ex of yours." Minho said 

"Ok..." Jisung said hesitation in his voice

"If you really don't feel like talking about it right now we don't have too. I know your not feeling the best." Minho said raising his hand up to rub jisungs head softly

"Can we talk about it at home?" Jisung asked

"Of course sung." Minho said "I am going to run down to the cafeteria though, i'll be right back" He said pecking Jisung quickly before walking out

A/N: So, how's your day been luvs?
Have you eaten? If not please do!
Love you guys ❤️❤️

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