Jisungs house

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Minho had packed up and they went to jisungs house to hang out there

The two were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie jisung picked

Jisung had his head on Minho's lap and Minho was stroking his hair softly as they watched the movie

"Min?" Jisung said waiting for answer

"Yeah sung?"

"Are you hungry?" Jisung asked

"Not really but if you are we can go make something or I can order you something" Minho said grabbing his phone

"Okii, I kinda want ramen. Will you make it though because the way you make it is the best" Jisung asked giving Minho puppy dog eyes

"Okay okay, i'll make it for you brat. But your coming with me" Minho said standing up and pulling Jisung up with him

"Fine by me. Now lets goooo" Jisung said sprinting to his kitchen

Thanks to Minho, Jisung always ate. Whether he wanted to or not.

He was also slowly learning to eat slowly and not shove it all down in one bite. Minho was slowly helping Jisung make good progress on his ED

Minho walked into the kitchen chuckling at the youngers actions

Minho walked over to where Jisung was sitting and kissed the top of his head

"Your like my own child and personal entertainer all in one. And I love it" Minho said walking over to the cabinet where Jisung kept his ramen

Over the past few weeks, the boys had became familiar with each other's houses from staying the night so much

"You want it made how I always make it, right?" Minho asked

"Yuhhh" Jisung said laughing at himslef

"Okay goofy" Minho said getting a pot of water boiling for the ramen

Minho put the pot on the stove and waited for it to start boiling

While he was waiting, he walked over, behind jisung and put his arms around his neck watching whatever jisung was watching on his phone

"Hi hyung" Jisung said turning his seat around to face minho

"Hi pretty boy" minho said kissing his cheek and walking back to the stove with a smirk never leaving his face because he knew his actions would leave jisung stunned

When Jisung finally was over Minho's flirty actions, he decided to give him payback

Jisung walked over wrapped him arms around Minho's waist and laid his head on his shoulder

Jisung sat like that for a minute or so before kissing Minho where his head was laying

After that Jisung dashed away from Minho not wanting to face the consequences of his actions

But of course, Minho chased after him just like he always does

The two ran around the apartment for a few minutes before Minho finally caught the younger

Minho caught him and spun him into his chest

He leaned down and kissed Jisung

The kiss was short but sweet

"You're such a brat. You know that?" Minho said messing up the boys hair and waking away

"You know you love meeee" Jisung said running up to the boy chuckling

"You're still a brat though. But you're my favorite brat" Minho said finishing up the ramen

Minho sat the food Infront of the boy before walking over and sitting next to him

Jisung looked down at the food and slowly began eating it carefully not to eat too much or too fast

"Is it good sung?" Minho asked with a smile looking at the boy eating

"Of course it is hyung!! Your foods always delicious min" Jisung said taking another bite of the food

"You called me minnnnnnnnn! You haven't called me that in so long" Minho said excitedly

Jisung just chuckled at his child like actions

"Your so cute. Your like a little bunny" Jisung said looking at Minho smiling at him

"You're cute like a Quokka. That's why I call you Quokka sometimes" Minho said

Jisung finished up his food and washed his plate and the dishes Minho used too make it

That's how the two done things. Whoever made the food, gets to sit while the other does the dishes

"You ready to go back to our movie now min?" Jisung asked

"Yeah c'mon lets go" Minho said

The two went back to the living room and turned the movie on

A few minutes into the movie, Jisung cuddled up to Minho just as he always done

Jisungs love language has always been physical touch and quality time while Minho normally was a receiving gifts and words of affirmation, with Jisung he used them all

With Jisung, he always felt the need to use every love language he knew. With Jisung, Minho was different. Minho wanted to give Jisung all his love

The boys watch that movie then Minho turned on a movie of his choice. Minho had decided on the movie "IT".

Minho normally wasn't a scary movie guy, but he liked watching them every now and then.

He especially like watching them with Jisung because when he got scared, he would hide his face in his chest

Minho always found jisungs actions absolutely adorable

A/N: So, how's your day been luvs?
Have you eaten? If not please do!
Love you guys ❤️❤️

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