Straight down hill

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Minho pov-

"Ok. Everything is packed. Ready to go ji?" I ask

"Yeah. One question though." Jisung says "can I bring my camera with me?" He asks with a little smile

"Duhhh. You gotta take photos of me" I say posing like a model as I laugh

Jisung walks by me and hits my arm jokingly "ok Mr. Full of yourself."

"Heyyyyy. Be nice" I say following him

I follow behind him quietly and when he stops I tickle him

"Stop you rat" he says laughing
I laugh too

I stop tickling him and lean down and kiss his cheek "I'm going in the living room. Come out when your ready luv." I say walking to the living room

While he's in there I go in the kitchen and grab a couple of the few snacks he has and pack them.

I've began to realize that he doesn't eat very much.

I try not to nag him much about it though.

"Min. You ready?" Jisung said as he walked to me

"Yeah let's go" I say standing up; grabbing our suitcases

"Can we stop and get food somewhere?" Jisung asks while we're in the elevator

"Of course. I was planning to anyway but where I was gonna take you is kinda far away." I say

"Oh oki. I can wait till then!" He says happily with a smile

"C'mon dork let's go." I say grabbing his hand and pulling him with me

Thankfully Wooyoung didn't try his luck and was gone.

Jisung went ahead and got in while I put our suitcases in the trunk.

We left and Jisung of course took the aux.

Where I was planning to take us was a little ways away but not extremely far.

Jisung had told me awhile back t hat he always wanted to go to jeju island as a kid and still does but never had gotten the money for it.

I decided since this week has been a crappy week for him, I'd do something nice for him.

I'm taking him to jeju island.

It's about 4 hours away from Seoul though so it's gonna take awhile.

Jisung played the music until we stopped to get something to eat.

I had already ordered our food and found us a table and Jisung still hadn't came back.

I got worried like I always do; so I went to check on him

I walk into the bathroom "ji?" I say

No response. I look at the bottom of the stalls and see someone sitting holding their knees. There was no one else in there.

I knock on the stall "ji? Are you in there?" I ask

Again there was no response so I climbed under the stall.
There sat Jisung passed out in the corner. He looked like he had threw up.

I pick him up and sit him in my lap cleaning him up while he gains back some consciousness.

"Min?" I hear him say

"Yeah it's me. You ok luv?" I say looking at him

"I could lie and say no but you know I'd be lying so I might as well just say the truth. No." He says

I look down and see my sleeve getting tear soaked.

I sit him up and wipe his tears. "Hey it's ok. Sometimes we're not ok. And that's completely fine. Do you wanna try to eat and then talk about it or take it to-go and eat later and we'll talk abt it the car?" I say rubbing his back comfortingly

"Eat later." He says quietly

I pick him up and carry him to the car and lay him in the backseat "I'll be back. I'm gonna grab our food. You can go to sleep if you want." I say

Jisung POV-


I think I'm getting sick again. I was doing ok for awhile but after my relapse; I've hidden it well- I've been struggling again.

I've not told Minho that I feel like that's again cause I don't wanna do that to him and make him worry.

My mom called and told me that she and my dad had gotten into a wreck; she's fine- my dad's in the ICU though.

Everything has been going straight down hill since my relapse. I don't know how to tell min without him worrying.

What if he gets mad at me for not telling him? What if he tells me he can't be with me because of my problems. What if he hates me.

All these thought have been consuming me.

Min decided after we talked about what happened with Wooyoung; that we would go on a vacation for the rest of spring break.

I thought that I would start doing better if we did but it seems it's just gotten me worse.

The ride to the restaurant was perfect- blasting music, taking in the spring air, it was just perfect.

Until we stopped to eat. I thought I would be fine. That I could eat without getting sick.

I was wrong. We stepped into the restaurant and I smelt the food -which smelt amazing- and nearly threw up.

I had to lie too Minho and tell him that I was ok and just needed to use the bathroom while he got our food.

I went to the bathroom and bent over the toilet and began throwing up every last thing I had ate. It didn't surprise me honestly. So now not only is everything else going down hill, my ED is back.

I do the normal cycle, throw up, sit there and try to keep conscious, I pass out.

When I woke up min was holding me.

He gave me options to eat now or later and I picked later.

He picked me up and carried me too the car and went back in to get our food. While he went in there I went back to bed.

A/N: So, how's your day been luvs?
Have you eaten? If not please do!
Love you guys ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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