but he messaged me...

18 6 0

TW!! Sh and blood mentioned!!


Jisung was home alone for the first time in a while. Jisung definitely wasn't complaining though

Jisung normally hated being home alone

That's why he always goes to Minho's or Felix's house normally

But today, he had stayed home from classes today because he wasn't feeling well

Though most of campus probably missed today because today was the last day before winter break

Jisung was in bed almost all day with a headache

When he did finally wake up he checked his phone to see the time '2:32 pm'

He was going to just use the bathroom and straighten up the house but some notifications caught his eye

'3 notifications from wooyoung'

"My pretty baby boy... I heard you moved away.. please come back."

"Please, Jisung. Just come home. We can talk about this"

"If you don't come home within the next 3 days, I'll come to you and you'll regret it."

Jisung read each one of those. Tears filling his eyes more and more. Some out of shock, some out of fear, but mostly out of anger

Jisung started violently sobbing. Once he finally is happy again, he has to come back

"WHY? WHY DOES THIS WORLD HATE ME?!" Jisung screamed out

Jisung was crying so hard now that he was shaking

Wooyoungs last words echoed in his mind "If you don't come home within the next 3 days, I'll come to you and you'll regret it." Jisung began to cry even harder at the last three words "You'll regret it."

Jisung done the only thing he would be able to ever find comfort in. He went back to the one habit he promised his mom and Minho he would stop.

Jisung sat in his bathroom holding a blood covered blade and and cuts on his thighs

With each mark he made he would cry harder

His phone started ringing "Why now?..." Jisung said between sobs as he tried to stand but failed

He just stayed there in the blood, crying.

He felt hopeless. He felt the same way he did before he left home.


                                                                           Pov change!


I tried calling Jisung but he didn't answer.

He wasn't at school and he didn't answer me..

Something happened, something bad.

I quickly said goodbye to the boys and quickly getting my car, speeding to the apartment complex

He had given me a key so I used it and unlocked the door hurriedly

"Ji, baby? Where are you?" I called out taking my shoes off quickly

I found him...

My baby was laying passed out, in a puddle of blood, with a blade in his hand

"JISUNG! BABY OMG" I called out running to him

I ran over and lifted him

"Min? Your here... I'm sorry min.. I tried but he messaged me..." Jisung helplessly laying my arms

I couldn't help but wonder who he meant by He

"Jisung baby... its okay. But we need to get you some help" I said picking him up  careful not to touch the places I seen cuts

I ran to the elevator with tears in my eyes holding him tightly in my arms

He found the strength to put his arms around my neck as I ran to the car from the elevator ignoring any looks we got

I opened the backseat door and laid him down gently

I quickly walked over to the drivers side

I turned my emergency flashers on and sped to the hostspital

"Ji, baby are you ok? If you don't have the strength to talk just make a noise so I know your still alive" I said as we pulled in the parking lot

I heard a soft thump from the back

"Good" I said before i got out

I ran over and picked Jisung up the same and ran inside

"Someone, help us!" I said loudly, running into the hostspital

Nurses came running over

"Right this way" The nurse said rushing us to a bed

I laid him down and they immediately started asking questions

"Do you know what happened?" The nurse asked

"I think he relapsed because of something that happened. Can we skip the questions for now and get him fixed up? As you can tell he's in pain and I'm not gonna sit and watch my baby suffer anymore." I said sternly

"Yes, I'll start bandaging the wounds and get him on IV fluids right away. But I will need you to step out of the room" The nurse said softly

"Okay..." I said exiting the room so they could take care of him

I'm so worried. I sat there for a moment till I remembered I had grabbed his phone

I pulled his phone out of my pocket and went straight to the messages

I seen what set him off...

his ex, Wooyoung messaged him.

A/N: So, how's your day been luvs?
Have you eaten? If not please do!
Love you guys ❤️❤️

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