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(((Minho and jisung had spent the night together again and jisung was still half asleep so Minho picked him up and carried him)))

Minho walked onto campus carrying jisung not caring about all the stares and scoffs they got

Minho was used to the scoffs and side eyes but jisung on the other hand..

..was terrified.

"Min? Whys everyone looking at us?" Jisung leaned down to ask worried about anyone trying to start rumors

"Jealous, everyone can't face the fact that I'm not straight" Minho said

"Oh? I didn't know we was twins!?" Jisung said

"You really got horrible memory don't ya?" Minho chuckled

"Yeah kinda, why did Lix tell me that?" Jisung asked

"Yeah, he told you I was bi sung" Minho said

"Ohhhh, okay that makes sense why you cuddle with me all the time and never think I'm a freak" jisung said

"Well, not only that, I love cuddling so I was more then happy to cuddle with my favorite little quokka " Minho said

Jisung blushed

"Are you ever gonna let me use my legs hyung?" Jisung asked sarcastically

"Do you WANT to walk?" Minho replied

"Nooo, but you do know you don't gotta carry me, right? Jisung said

"Yeah, butttttt I've told you, I like carrying you sung. Your a cutie and extremely light" Minho said

"125 pounds is "light" to you???" Jisung asked

"Yeah" Minho said

Jisung snuggled into the crook of Minhos neck as he got comfy

"Sung? You awake?" Minho asked

"Yeah, when are we going to class?" Jisung asked

"It's only 8 right now classes don't start for another 30 minutes" Minho said

"Can you wake me up like 10 minutes before class starts? I'm tired" jisung asked

"Yeah, go ahead and take a nap"

"Oki, night night" jisung said getting comfy and wrapping his arms around Minho before drifting off to sleep

•20 minutes before class•

"Minho?" Minho heard from behind him

Minho turned around to see chan, jeongin, felix, and hyunjin

"Oh, hey guys! Where have you all been??" Minho asked quietly

"We just got here like 5 minutes ago. How long have you and jisung been here?" Chan said

"Since 8, he's asleep right now. I gotta wake him up in like 10 minutes" Minho said chuckling softly not to wake jisung

"Oh ok, well is it ok if we walk with you?" Felix asked

"Yeah, one of y'all gotta remind me to wake him up 10 minutes before class" Minho said

"Okay, I will" jeongin said

*10 minutes pass*

"Lee Minho! Wake jisung up!!" Felix said stopping the conversation they were having

"Oh yeah, thanks " Minho said

Minho whispered in Jisungs ear

"Sungie luv, wake up you've gotta get to class" Minho said not realizing what he called jisung

"Mmmm, whyyy? Will you carry me to classssss?" Jisung asked

"Yeah" Minho said as he walked with Felix to class so he could drop jisung off

"Sung, wake up. You've gotta be awake for class!" Minho said

"Do you need to drop anything at your locker or get anything??" Minho said

"No, I brought everything I need" jisung said

"Ok, we're almost to your class so wake up" Minho said

"I'm awakeee" jisung said

"Ok" Minho chuckled

"Hey min, about last night.. please don't tell anyone" jisung whispered

"I wouldn't dare, we're besties now" Minho said

Jisung chuckled

"Can we go get lunch together? Off campus, just us." Jisung asked

"Of course!? Where do you wanna go? I know this really good café I go to often if you wanna go there!!" Minho said

"Ok, that sounds good! Where do you wanna meet at? Front of campus?" Jisung asked

"Yeah, that sounds good." Minho said

"Ok we're here sung. I'll see you at lunch bell. Meet me at the front of the school. ok?" Minho said

"Okii, bye Minho hyung" jisung said climbing down from Minhos back

"Bye sungie" Minho said waving goodbye before heading to his classes

"Lord, you sure y'all ain't dating??" Felix asked nudging jisung as they walked into class

"Yeah, why??" Jisung chuckled following Felix into class

"Y'all didn't even say one word to me" Felix chuckled

"Oh sorry, ready for the next 4 hours of fun classes?" Jisung asked sarcastically changing the conversation

"Totally" felix replied back just as sarcastically

"I know right? I'm just so excited!!"

* class started *

A / N: how are you luvs?
Have you eaten? If not please do!
Hope you have a good day/ night!!

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