It's him

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3rd person POV -

2 days later; back home

"Ji, we need to talk" Minho said sitting down on the couch next to Jisung

Jisung was doing better now. That nurse helped him. His cuts were still bad but they weren't as bad now

"Okay.. is everything ok?" Jisung asked with a shaky voice

"Yes and no. We need to talk about that ex that triggered this" Minho said

"Ok." Jisung said hesitantly

"I know you really don't want too but I need to know things sung" Minho said

"ask away. It might take me a second too answer but i'll get there" Jisung said

"Lets start out with easy questions." he said "Why did the two of you break up?" Minho said as he retch out to hold Jisungs hands

"He had cheated on me. Multiple times." He said " I forgave him so many times, until I didn't. After like the 7th time and so many relapses. I broke up with him." Jisung said. By this time he was shaking and stuttering like crazy. " He got mad and threw anything he could at me." Jisung said finally letting tears run down his face

"It's ok sung" Minho said whipping the tears and trying his best to calm him "You don't have to answer anymore sung"

"No. I just need a second" Jisung said slowly calming himself "Ok, ask" he said

"You sure?" Minho said receiving a nod

"Ok. When you two broke up, did he try to get back with you?" he asked

"Yes. He begged for weeks." Jisung answered

"This isn't related but it is. Did you move here so he would leave you alone?" Minho asked

"Yes and no. When I first was planning to come here he found out. He begged and pleaded. He even tried to.." He said pausing there; tearing up "He even tried to kidnap me once just so I couldn't leave" Jisung said letting tears stream rapidly down his face

"Ok. I'm done asking questions sung. I'm sorry" Minho said wiping all the tears

"It's ok. Thank you" Jisung said hugging Minho

"Why are you thanking me?? I made you cry" Minho said

"No. You didn't make me cry. He did." He said "You helped me. I haven't told anyone about anything he done to me. I just moved away and resolved it on my own"

Minhos heart felt like it was glowing. "I'm happy you trust me enough to tell me sung" he said as he kissed the top of his head

"Let's do something to change the sad vibe." He said with a line smile " Let's do face masks and watch a movie or something. Go for a walk. Make food. Get drunk. ANYTHING" Jisung said giving multiple options

Minho POV -

"How about going on a drive?" I asked

"To where??" Jisung asked

"I've got a good idea, but it will make us have to be gone a few days. Which I love the idea of but are you ok with it?" I said

"I'm always up for a vacation. You go ahead and go pack since we're here and when you get done we'll go to my apartment" Jisung said with stars in his eyes from excitement

I left to my room to pack. I kinda have an idea of something's we can do at the place

But there's a main thing that I wanna hopefully do before we come back home

I'm so nervous and excited about it

I packed for a week just to be safe because you never know what will happen

I plan to only stay out there a couple days but we could end up staying until the end of winter break

I packed a extra hoodie for Jisung cause I know how he is

After packing a few other things and necessities, I was ready.

I wore my black joggers, with a white t-shirt, and a grey jacket just something basic and warm for the car ride.

"Ji, you ready?" I said as I walked towards the living room

"Yeah. Let me get my bag and tennis shoes then we can head to my apartment so I can pack" Jisung said grabbing all his little things he brought with him while he stayed here. "Ok! Let's go" he said standing infront of me

"Let's go dork" I said opening the door so I could lock the door behind us

We got in the elevator and went down to the floor his apartment was on

We were getting ready to get off and head towards his apartment until we looked down the hallway and seen someone standing directly at his apartment banging on the door and yelling

"It's him..." Jisung said lowly and quickly hit the close door

A/N: So, how's your day been luvs?
Have you eaten? If not please do!
Love you guys ❤️❤️

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