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Jisung woke up to the feeling of hands around his waist and warm breathe on his neck

Jisung blushed before reaching for his phone to check the time "6:30"

Jisung got up carefully and yawned quietly to not wake Minho and went to wash his face and brush his teeth

Jisung was so sleepy. Even though he always woke up this early in the Morning everyday

"Why'd you get uppppp" Minho said for the doorway making jisung jump

"Shoot Minho don't do that!!" Jisung said holding his chest dramatically

"Drama queen." Minho said

"I am notttt" jisung whined

"Whateverrr, hurryy I gotta wash my face and brush my teeth too slow poke" Minho said

"Oh yeah sorry" jisung said before rinsing his mouth and leaving the bathroom to go get ready

Today was Friday which meant that they would have tests

So jisung wore something comfortable

A white Nike t-shirt with orange sweatpants

He put all his stuff for school in his bookbag he uses and the stuff he packed in his tote bag

"You look adorableee" Minho said from behind him

"SHOOT!? Minhoooo stop scaring me!!" Jisung said

"And thank you. What are you gonna wear?" He asked

"I don't know yet I haven't looked. Do you wanna pick me something?" Minho said

"Pleaseeeeeeee" jisung begged

"Go ahead quokka" Minho chuckled pointing to his closet

"Yayyyyy, thank you minho hyunggg" jisung said running to the closet

Jisung chose grey joggers and a black shirt for Minho

"Is this okay hyung?" Jisung asked taking the clothes to Minho in the kitchen

"Yeah these are fine sung" Minho said grabbing the clothes and sitting them down

"Do you want anything to eat?" Minho asked

"No, I'm fine. Thank you though" Jisung replied

"Okay we better go. Do you have everything you've gotta take home? I plan on stopping back at your apartment before we leave so you can drop your stuff off" Minho said grabbing his jacket, keys, and a couple of other things

"Yeah, thank you minho hyung" jisung said

"Your welcome sweets. Ready?"minho asked

"Yeah" jisung replied

"Here I'll carry your stuff to your apartment. You can get on my back if you want to" Minho said grabbing the bag out of Jisungs hand

Minho carried Jisung to his apartment and let him drop his stuff off at his apartment

"Want me to carry you to the car sung?" Minho asked

"You can if you want to" jisung said

"Get on my back" Minho said as he turned around and squatted down for jisung to get on his back

"Yayyyy" jisung squealed

"Your welcome sweets" Minho said as he began walking to the elevator

"You don't have to carry me all the way to the car if I'm too heavy. I know I feel like your carrying a horse" jisung said

"I enjoy carrying you and you are not your light a feather" Minho said stepping into the elevator

*going up (elevator)*

"Wanna go get something to eat before we go to class?" Minho asked

"Sure, I'd kill for a iced Americano" jisung said

The boys walked to the car (more like Minho did cause he was still carrying jisung on his back)

Minho unlocked the car and sat jisung in the passenger seat before walking over to the driver side

"Is Starbucks ok?" Minho asked

"Yeah" jisung said

"Do you want the aux?" Minho asked

"Sure, are you ok with stary kids and the neighborhood?" Jisung asked

"Yeah" Minho said

Jisung plugged his phone up and started playing pretty boy by the neighborhood

"Even if my heart stops beating your the only thing I need, ooo with meeeeeee" jisung whisper-yelled

"Even if the world starts shaking your the only thing worth taking, oooooooo, with meeeeee" Minho whispered

They continued like this until they got to Starbucks having fun singing together enjoying the drive enjoying the time together

"What all do you want sung?" Minho asked

"Just a venti iced Americano" jisung said

"Okay"Minho said turning to order

"How may I help you today?" The lady on the entercom said

"Hi can I get 2 tall iced Americanos and two cake pops?" Minho said

"Okay, that'll be 12. 69 at window 1" she said

Minho pulled up to the window and got they're drinks

"Okay here's your coffee and I got you a cake pop if you don't want it right just leave it and I'll eat it later" Minho said handing jisung his stuff

"Thank youuuu and you didn't have to get the cake pop but I'll happily eat it" jisung said

"Okay let's get to school" Minho said grabbing and the wheel and starting to drive

After this the boys hung out multiple times throughout the next few weeks becoming closer and closer with one another

A/N: how are you luvs?
Have you eaten? If not please do!
Hope you have a good day/night!!

(My birthday was yesterday!! So I decided to publish this chapter to celebrate!!!!)

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