Cuddling in the rain

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Minhos POV-

Jisung and I walked outside and sat down on a bench while quietly watching the rain and smoking

"So, why'd you move to this lifeless country?" I asked breaking the silence

"I  needed a change of scenery, to learn more about my culture, my parents pay no attention to me, and I had to get away from my ex " Jisung said taking a long drag on his cigarette

"Ohh, where did you move from?" I asked

"California" He said tilting his head against the building

"If It's not too hard to talk about, why did you have to get away from the ex?"

"I kept relapsing everytime I seen him or just seen something that made me think of him" 

"Oh. Are you okay now?" I asked

"I'm doing a lot better since I got away" He said with a smile

"Sorry I'm being so nosy.  your cute and mysterious" I said hoping to at least make him smile

"It's fine" Jisung chuckled turning his head "so what are you studying?"

"Dancing and photography, how about you?" I answered 

"Music production and art" Jisung said as he put his cigarette out throwing it in the ashtray next to us. I done the same

"Ready to go back in with the others?" I asked

"I think I'm gonna sit out here and enjoy the rain, you can head back in though" He said closing his eyes enjoying the sound of the rain

"Well if your staying out here, I'm staying out here!" I said sitting on the bench infront of the restaurant

"You really don't need to you'll get sick" Jisung said

"We can get sick and skip classes together" Minho shrugged

"Min, seriously go back in before you get sick" Jisung said after realizing what he just said "sorry I didn't mean too call you that" He said looking up at the sky not wanting to look at me now

"It's okay, you call me min, I call you sungie. It's fair game" I chuckled

"Yea, can I lay on you so I can stay warm I freeze easily?" Jisung asked quietly

"Of course sung, come here" I said opening my arms for the boy

"Sorry, if this makes you uncomfortable you don't have too" he said laying on my chest

"It doesn't make me uncomfortable one bit sung, I enjoy this type of stuff. They would never do anything like this with me." I said pointing to the boys 

Jisung cuddled into my chest after awhile I looked down and seen a sleeping quokka

In all honesty, this was all I have ever wanted, with anyone honestly. Cuddling in the rain

"Guys, foods here. Come eat" Changbin said from the doorway

"We'll be in, in a minute" I whispered pointing to the sleeping boy on my chest

"Oh ok, sorry" Changbin whispered going back in

3rd person POV-

"The love birds said they'll be in, in a minute" Changbin announced at the table

"LOVEBIRDS!!!?" Hyunjin screamed quietly

"Yea, they're out there cuddling on the bench watching the rain" Changbin said pointing out the window to the two boys cuddling

All of the boys looked out the window at the boys

"Awww they look so comfy" Felix said

"For reallll" Hyunjin said

"Why don't we ever sit outside and watch the rain" Jeongin pushed Chan

"Well if you would say 'hey chan let's go cuddle and watch the rain' then maybe we would but you never have before now have you?" Chan said defending himself

"Yea yea yea, whatever" Jeongin said

"Everyone shut it!!!! They're coming!" Seungmin said

Everyone immediately started stuffing they're faces and acting like nothing happened

Minho and Jisung walked back in, fingers intertwined and jisung had his head on Minhos shoulder

"Well look who it is, the two lovebirds" Changbin said

"Bin, really? Was there a reason for that?" Minho said rolling his eyes

"Sorry, I fell asleep" Jisung chuckled sitting down hoping no one would see his ears and cheeks turn chili pepper red

Minho sat down next to jisung and began to eat as he started talking to chan and everyone else

Everyone was eating and talking just enjoying their time

except Jisung

"I'll be right back" jisung said before he ran to the bathroom

Jisung ran into a stall and began throwing up everything he just ate

He tried not to eat too much too fast but it didn't work

Jisung let go of the toilet bowl and began crying after that he blacked out

A/N: So, how's your day been luvs?
Have you eaten? If not please do!
Love you guys ❤️❤️

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