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Minho was sat on the couch watching nevertheless on Netflix waiting for jisung to get done

Minho got up and went to check on jisung "hey, sung you okay?" Minho asked knocking on the door

"Yea, I'm fine min. Thanks for checking on me I'm almost done" jisung chuckled

"Do you want anything to eat?" Minho asked through the door


"Okay, is ramen okay?"

"Yea that's fine! Thanks min"

"Your welcome. I'll let you finish showering now" Minho said walking off to the kitchen to make the ramen

Jisung got out the shower about 10 minutes after Minho left to make the ramen

Jisung walked out of the bathroom in black shorts that came above his knees and a blue hoodie that came down right below the shorts

"Do you have pants on??" Minho chuckled looking at jisung from his seat on the couch

"Yea"  jisung said slightly raising his hoodie and pointing to the shorts before walking to the couch and taking a seat next to Minho and the cats

"Oh ok" Minho said ignoring the scars he had seen on Jisungs leg

"So, what are we doing tonighttt" jisung asked

"Well I was thinking, we stay up watch k-dramas all night"

"Okayyy" Jisung exclaimed
"So, what are we watching?"

"Nevertheless if that's okay"

"Omg, yes I've been wanting to watch that just haven't been able to find the time to watch it"

"Okay, i'm gonna go finish making our ramen real quick" Minho said walking back into the kitchen

(What Minhos currently thinking)

God, he so cute.. I wanna take him out, I wanna call him mine, I wanna kiss him, I want him to fall asleep in my arms.. but we are literally just now becoming friends i don't wanna ruin that with romance..

And I don't even know if I actually like him... it might just be me Crushing and I don't wanna hurt sungie...

(Back to reality (fyi Minho thought all that when he was making they're ramen so he's done making the ramen))

"Okay, here's your ramen sung" Minho said handing jisung the bowl of ramen

"Thank you min" jisung said taking it from Minho taking small bites slowly hoping that maybe he wouldn't get sick again

"Okay, ready to start our show?" Minho asked



"Ji? You awake" Minho said looking down at the boy laying on his lap receiving no answer

Minho took that as a no and picked jisung up and carried him to his room

Just as Minho was getting ready to leave there was a little voice come from the bed

"Stay.." minho heard from behind him

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you.." Minho said walking back to the bed and sitting on the corner

"It's okay.. will you stay with me?" Jisung asked

"Yea.. just let me change" minho said walking to the bathroom

" thank you minho hyunggg"

"Your welcome sungie" minho said before going to change

Jisung decided to play on his phone while he waited for minho

"Okay, ready for bed sung?" Minho asked from the door

"Cuddlesssss" jisung squealed

Minho walked over to the bed and got under the covers. Minho wrapped his arms around Jisungs waist and pulled him close

Jisung turned off his phone and cuddled into Minhos chest

"Your comfy" jisung said looking up

"Thank you" minho chuckled as he began playing with Jisungs hair

"Okiii goodnight hyung! Sleep well" jisung said as he cuddled closer to Minho (if that was possible)

"Goodnight sung.. sleep well" Minho said kissing the top of Jisungs head

A/N: how are you luvs?
Have you eaten? If not please do!
Hope you have a good day/night!!

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