Kiss you

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Minho got out of the drivers seat and walked over to Jisungs side and opened the door.

"Thank you min" jisung said as he stepped out of the car

"Always" minho smiled back at jisung

"C'mon, let's go get some food" Minho said excitedly

Minho grabbed Jisungs hand and quickly began pulling hun towards the café excitedly

Minho was very excited to bring jisung here

"What do you want to eat sung?" Minho asked now that they were in line

"A iced Americano and a piece of cheesecake"

"Oki dokie, you sure you don't want anything else?"

"Yes min, I'm gonna go ahead and find us a table" jisung pat Minhos head before walking off to find them a table

Minho was left standing there in line alone. All he could think about was Jisungs beautiful smile, and how chubby his cheeks are, and how perfect he is.

He was so lost in his thought that he didn't even realize it was his turn to order

"Sir?" The cashier said

"Oh! Yes sorry, I was lost in my thoughts" Minho said with a chuckle

"I'll take two iced Americanos, one bagel, and on slice of cheesecake" Minho said

"Okay, that'll be $25.78" the cashier said

Minho pulled out his wallet and handed the cashier his card

The cashier quickly swiped his card and got a piece of paper out and wrote something on it before handing it back to him' 033-662-7536, call me sexy'

"Thanks but I'm gay and I'm on a date with a very handsome boy right now" minho said as he pointed to the boy

"Oh okay, sorry" the cashier said with a fake smile

Minho quickly went to jisung and sat with him

Jisung was playing on his phone and didn't see Minho sit down

Minho quickly took notice to this and used it to his advantage

"Hey pretty boy" Minho teased as he pulled Jisungs phone away from his face

"H- M- Minho!!!! Don't do thattttt" jisung said as he used his phone to hide his face

"Aww did I make the quokka blushhhh?" Minho said proceeding to tease jisung

"Minnnnn" jisung whined

"Ok ok, I'll stop" Minho smiled proudly

"So why'd you ask me to come with you to lunch?"

"Because I wanted to bring you on a date" Minho chuckled avoiding any eye contact with the other

"Date? I- um... I didn't think friends brought each other out on dates?" Jisung chuckled

After jisung said this, Minho got scared. Yes, he liked jisung, but he also didn't wanna ruin the friendship either. So he tried to avoid looking at jisung so he wouldn't see the hurt in his eyes

"Never mind... forget I ever said that." Minho sighed sadly as he looked down at his phone

"Min" jisung said trying to get Minhos attention

"Lee Minho!! Look at me." Jisung said

"What..." minho said not looking up

Jisung put his finger under Minhos chin and made him look at him

"Are you trying to tell me that you like me?" Minho asked

"Maybe, maybe not" Minho said with a shrug

"If you are then, lets start going out" Jisung said with a smile

Minho didn't know how to tell Jisung he liked him. 

Instead he just leaned down softly connecting his lips with Jisungs soft, delicate lips.

They pulled away from the kiss, sitting there, staring into each other's eyes for a minute or so 

"Is that a yes?" Jisung asked

"Yes" Minho said with a chuckle

"Here's your guy's food, i hope you enjoy it!" the waitress said before walking back to the counter

"Lets eat now" Minho said excitedly looking at the food

Minho took his bagle and iced Americano and started eating

It took Jisung a minute to start eating because he was still in a stage of shock from the, kiss and the sudden confession

"Ji, you ok?" Minho asked

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just kinda shocked about your mini confession" Jisung chuckled lightly

"Oh.. sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Minho said sighing

"You didn't!!" Jisung said putting his index finger under Minho chin to make him look at him "You made me feel the opposite. I feel appreciated and cared for now." Jisung said getting lost in Minhos deep beautiful hazel eyes for a moment

Minho decided to take this as a chance to kiss him again since he was lost so deeply into his eyes

Minho put his hand on Jisungs cheek and leaned across the table and kissed him again

It took jisung a second to realize and come out of his daze but when he did, he poured every emotion he was feeling into it

When the boys pulled away, Jisung asked "Hey min, can we ditch the last two lectures pleaseeee?" Jisung begged

"Of course sung. Wanna go for a walk around after this?" Minho asked

"Yesss" jisung said

The two boys ate in a comfortable silence, stealing a few glances at each other and every now and then

"You ready to go sung?" Minho asked

"Yeah, just give me one second. Let me go to the bathroom real quick" jisung said getting up to walk to the bathroom

"Sung, you ok? Do you need me to come with you? If you don't feel good we can just go back home for now." Minho quickly blurted out

"Min baby, I'm fine. I've just gotta use the restroom real quick then we can go. Okay?" Jisung said walking off leaving a stunned Minho

"Baby?! I already get called babyyy?" Minho thought

Minho jumped out of his daze at the feeling of someone flicking the back of his head

"You ready to go dork?" Jisung said

"Yeah Let me get my stuff real quick" Minho said laughing 

"Hurry you 50 year old. You take foreverrrr" jisung said laughing at himself

"Okay okay I'm ready" Minho said grabbing Jisungs hand a walking out of the café hand in hand both with smiles on their face

How are you luvs?
Have you eaten?
Have a great day/night!!

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