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Classes had went by and it was lunch period now.

Jisung did as he was told and went to the front of campus and waited on Minho to take him out for lunch or could it be a Date?

Jisung waited for 5 minutes before he felt arms around his waist.

"Hey sweets" he heard from behind

"Hi hyunggg!" Jisung said excitedly turning around to face Minho

"Ready to go?" Minho said looking down at the boy

"Yess. I'm starving!!" Jisung chuckled

"Ok then let's get going" Minho said grabbing Jisungs hand to walk him to the car

They began the walk too the car talking about classes and how their day was.

Minho didn't realize it but while he was holding jisungs hand he was rubbing his thumb.

"Hyung, why are you rubbing my thumb? Don't think I'm saying stop cause it's calming but you don't gotta do that" Jisung asked

"I'm so sorry, I didn't even realize I was doing that. I'll stop" Minho said immediately stopping what he was doing

"Noooo, don't stop, I was enjoying it" Jisung said

With that Minho immediately started doing it again.

They finally got to the car and Minho opened the door for Jisung:

"So, are you excited?" Minho asked

"Excited for what??" Jisung asked

"To go eat, goof ball" Minho joked

"Ohh, yeah. Sorry had a slow moment" jisung chuckled

"What kind of food do they have hyung?" Jisung asked

"Anything you would think a café has" Minho said

"Soooo, they have coffee and cheesecake??" Jisung asked excitedly

"Yeah, they make the best iced americano's" Minho said

Jisung let out a squeal of excitement "now I'm exciteddddd" jisung said

"You do plan on getting more then that though, right?" Minho asked as he began backing up

"Not really.. I'll get sick again" jisung said

"Ji.. you need too eat something other then cheesecake." Minho said

"Fine, I'll get a blueberry bagel too I guess. only so you'll not complain" jisung said with a fake grin

"Thank you, very much" Minho said

"So, I remember you telling me last night that you had anxiety, right?" Minho asked as he began driving

"Yeah, I do. Why do you ask?" Jisung said

"What's it like having anxiety? If you don't feel like talking about it that's fine. I don't mean to butt into your life I'm just curious. Sorry" Minho rambled

Minho had realized that he had begun doing that a lot around the boy

"Min.. it's fine. Having anxiety sucks. Your constantly overthinking and worrying. Most of the time I'll be having a anxiety attack and go to the bathroom and throw up. Most of the time that's why I throw up because I get sick from having an anxiety attack. Even if no one is looking at me, eating when there's a lot of people surrounding me makes go into an anxiety attack and throw up. That's why I threw up that one day. Normally, I hate eating infront of anyone, but with you it's different. You make me feel comfortable " Jisung explained

"I'm happy I make you feel comfortable sung. I have something else to ask. It's nothing bad I just wanna ask you." Minho said

"Okay? Go ahead, I'm listening." Jisung said

"When you start having anxiety attacks, since you feel comfortable with me, will you get my attention or call me? I just don't want you having to go through that alone cause it seems hard to deal with alone. Like I completely get it if you don't want too I was just suggesting it." Minho said

"No promises that I always will... but I'll try. Okay, hyung?" Jisung said smiling at Minho

"Okay, thank you." Minho said

"Actually, thank you for suggesting that... no one I've ever told about my anxiety ever said for me to call them.. not even my therapist. They all just told me 'take deep breathes and you'll be fine', like hello?? No?? It doesn't always help?? I mean sometimes it does but most the time it don't." Jisung said

"Well, I'm always here and I'm always open too listening." Minho said as he pulled in at the most cutest café

Jisung looked up and his eyes began sparkling, he smiled so brightly it could've blinded anyone, and too see that, made it all worth it too Minho.

Minho didn't know why, but jisung just... made him feel... different from anyway he's ever felt.

Jisung made him feel so happy... he felt this thing with jisung he had never felt before...

A/N: So, how's your day been luvs?
Have you eaten? If not please do!
Love you guys ❤️❤️

I'll be continuing this little "date?" On the next chapter!!

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