New life

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Jisung POV-

There I stood outside of a new school — that I had no idea how I would fit in—but I'm excited to be in a school where I'll finally, maybe fit in.

An all Korean school.

A new school, a new country, new people, new language, a New life

I put My airpods in and threw my hood on before entering the school yard 

As almost every first day, I had my Airpods in listening to TXT

As I made my way in I kept my head down until I finally got into the main office.

"Hi, my names han jisung and im here to get my schedule" I said

"Okay one moment" the lady whom I assumed is the secretary said before walking into another room bringing back a few papers and a blue haired boy who looked nice.

"Here is your schedule and this is Felix, he'll be your guide around the school since you two have all the same classes" the lady said handing me my papers

"Thank you ms.----" I said stopping at the ms.

"Ms. brown" she said reaching her hand out to shake my hand

"well, thank you ms.brown" I said

 I turned around to leave almost forgetting about Felix as I put my headphones in and hood up to hopefully blend in

"Hey, wait up! it's my job to guide you to your classes" Felix said grabbing my shoulder

"oh yeah, sorry i forgot" I said pulling the headphone on Felixs side out so I could hear Felix talk

"it's okay, so whats your name?" He asked as he led me towards our classes

"my names jisung, han jisung. most of my friends call me jisung or ji"

"well, my names Felix, Lee Felix nice to meet you jisung" 

"okay we'd better get to mr. Kim's class!" he said now pulling me to classes

"i still need to put my backpack up!" I said jerking Felix back

"oh yeah, forgot about that. what locker number do you have?"

"145" I said

"that's perfect, two lockers from mine" He said dragging me to our lockers

"okay let me get my notebook, a few pens, and my headphones then we can run to class" I said grabbing a few things out of my backpack for class "okay, lets go!"

Felix and I sat outside the classroom for a couple minutes catching their breath from literally dashing to class

"okay you ready?" He asked

"ready as i'll ever be i guess" I said standing up to follow Felix in the classroom

"unless you want to be pulled infront of the entire class and forced to introduce yourself i'd keep your head down" He warned me

"thanks for the advice" I said

"your lucky you made it, without my warning you would have been forced infront of the entire class to introduce yourself" Felix chuckled

"thanks for the warning, I already am scared enough" I said

"no problem" he said laying out his notebook an pens on his desk

"how do you know to ignore certain teachers? were you a transfer student too??" jisung asked

"Yeah, transferred from a school in Australia" he said looking through his phone

"oh okay" jisung said as the teacher came into the class making Felix hurry and put his phone away

A/N: So, how's your day been luvs?
Have you eaten? If not please do!
Love you guys ❤️❤️

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