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sunoo's pov

the next morning i dreaded getting out my bed.

flashbacks from last night flooded my brain as soon as i woke up. i can't believe that actually happened.

i jerked off to the body of my best friend's brother.

just thinking that made my face heat up in embarrassment. how would i face sunghoon or jay now...

after getting myself prepared for school, i gave my mom a hug goodbye and left my house. today i wanted to walk to school alone and in peace so i could clear my head of the insane events that occurred just the night before.

i texted sunghoon letting him know that i would walk ahead today and he shouldn't wait for me like usual.

i could tell he was a little confused since we walked together every morning but he accepted anyway. i was so grateful that he didn't ask any further questions.


during first period i could barely focus on anything the teacher was saying.

sunghoon and i had the fist half of the day in the same classes and then after lunch we had separate classes so it made it extremely difficult to avoid the taller. plus he sits in the seat directly besides me.

it's not like i wanted to avoid my best friend, it's just that i was so embarrassed and guilty for what i did while thinking of his literal brother. 

"sun, do you wanna hang out at my place after school?" sunghoon leaned over to ask.

"um... maybe not today hoon..." i just continued to do my work in front of me.

i could just tell that my response surprised the latter. never in our ten years of friendship have one of us turned down the other to spend time together. we enjoyed each other's company too much.

"no? you never say no to coming over... is something wrong?" i could hear the hint of sadness that laced my closest friend's voice. maybe i shouldn't let this one tiny thing come in between us.

"okay fine, i'll go hoon. don't give such a sad face, you look ugly." i chuckled and gently shoved him with my elbow.

"dude don't scare me like that, i almost had a heart attack!" he over exaggerated.

"yeah right." i rolled my eyes but internally panicked. 

what the hell was i gonna do if i seen jay.


on our way home i tried to avoid going to his house at all costs. 

"hey sunghoon why don't we go to the mall!" i tried to suggest.

"we can't today, mom wanted us home for 'family dinner'." he put up finger quotations.

"wait, then why am i coming over?"

"well firstly, you're part of the family. and second, mom told me to bring you." he shrugged.

i mentally sighed. there was literally no way to get out of this now.

when we arrived to his house and entered, we saw jay sprawled out onto the couch with his phone in his hand.

once he realized i also entered the home, he deeply sighed and rolled his eyes.

"sunghoon, didn't we tell you to stop bringing stray animals into the house." jay sat up to sarcastically scold his brother.

"shut up hyung. come on sunoo let's go upstairs." 

i just silently followed and kept my head down to avoid any unwanted eye contact with the older sat on the sofa. this is the first time i didn't snap back at the older's unwanted commentary, it felt weird.


"sunghoon! sunoo! dinner is ready boys!" we heard sunghoon's mom calling out to us from downstairs and my heart immediately started to race.

i hesitated to get up and watched sunghoon leave to head to the kitchen.

"okay sunoo, just act normally. be cool." i gave myself a prep talk and quickly headed downstairs.

once i made it to the dining table, i seen sunghoon's father, mother, brother, and of course sunghoon, sitting and waiting for me to arrive.

"hi honey! how have you been?" his mom welcomed me with a warm smile.

"i've been well, thank you aunty. the food looks delicious." i politely bowed.

"sunoo, you come here almost every day so you're apart of the family and we wanted to have a nice dinner with the all of us." sunghoon's father suddenly spoke.

"thank you uncle, i really appreciate it."

i heard jay, who was directly in front of me scoff and mumble something underneath his breath.

i just ignored him and continued to look down at my food.

while eating, i felt jay's foot accidently graze my leg as he paid no mind and continued eating. me on the other hand, i was panicking.

suddenly last night flashed in my mind and i knew my cheeks were bright red at the thoughts. jay looked at me with furrowed brows, confused at my behavior.

i just gulped and tried to remain calm but that plan quickly failed as i seen jay open up his water bottle and place the top to his lips. as the water flowed down his throat, his adam's apple bobbed up and down while a little water trickled out the side of his mouth.

i abruptly stood up from my seat and ran to the nearest restroom.

it was all too much. i was not taking my new found sudden attraction towards the older well.

as i stood in front of the large mirror i turned on the faucet and splashed my face multiple times with cold water.

before last night, i only see jay as a rude, douchebag, that only cared about himself. now, i seen him as an extremely sexy, rude, douchebag, that only cares about himself. 

after a few minutes of staring into the mirror, i finally got the courage to go back out and face the family that i rudely left at the dinning room table.

"i'm so sorry about that, i just wasn't feeling too well." i apologized while continuously bowing to sunghoon's parents.

"no, it's okay sweetheart, we understand. there's no need to apologize, come sit back down." sunghoon's mom gently smiled at me while everyone else looked concerned; minus jay.

after dinner, me and sunghoon headed back upstairs.

"hey sun, do you just wanna spend the night since you aren't feeling well?" sunghoon asked while grabbing some clothes to go shower.

i very much did not want to spend another second here. but i also didn't want to distance myself from sunghoon just because of jay. our friendship mattered more to me than my hatred and sexual attraction towards the other.

"yeah, that sounds okay to me." i smiled.

sorry for any mistakes.

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