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sunoo's pov

it had been a month since jay and i had started to get along with one another.

every once in a while we would have small bickering but other than that, we became well acquainted with each other.

of course the occasional sex every week also helped.

luckily for us, sunghoon didn't expect a thing. we were becoming really great at hiding our affair.

today was just like any other friday. i was currently in the period after lunch with jungwon. i felt the need to tell someone about what's been going on because it was kind of lonely to have a secret that no one knows. if it were different circumstances, sunghoon would be the very first person to know. but unfortunately, that won't happen.

jungwon was my second closest friend in the entire world and i trusted him with my life. i figured he could keep my secret if i told him.

"hey, jungwonie." i tapped the younger beside me.

"yeah hyung?" he responded with a puzzled expression.

"can i tell you a secret?"

"yeah, of course." he gave me a smile.

"you literally have to take this to your grave, won. swear that you won't tell another soul. especially not sunghoon." i forced him to comply to my condition.

"i swear." he raised his hand to his heart.

i stayed silent while weighing the consequences of telling him this secret. i decided to just do it, i needed this off my chest.

i raised my hand up to the side of his ear in order to make sure that no one else in the room with us would hear my whispers.

"i lost my virginity to sunghoon's brother." i whispered into jungwon's ear. after hearing the truth out loud, it sounded worse than i thought it would.

jungwon's eyes almost jumped out his eye sockets because of how wide he opened his eyes to gawk at me.

"are you serious?" he whisper yelled.

i shyly nodded my head while moving in the position to whisper in his ear again. "and we've been having a friend's with benefits situation for over a month."

i heard him deeply gasp. "oh my god, hyung that is insane!" he exclaimed with a stunned face.

"is it that bad?" i was scared for his response.

"hyung, it's your best friend's brother, what do you think?" he rolled his eyes.

"i know, i know. it's just- it feels so good. like i can't stay away..." i sighed and fidgeted with the hem of my uniform's blazer.

jungwon sighed as well. "okay, i get it. but you have to tell sunghoon. if he find's out on his own it'll be way worse." he tried to reason.

"i know... i just haven't had the right opportunity... and i'm scared, jungwon. what if he's really mad? i hate when he's mad at me." i slightly pouted at the thought. whenever sunghoon has gotten really mad at me, he ignores me for at least a week.

"but hyung, he'll be even more mad if he doesn't hear it from you. he has a major soft spot for you so i doubt he'll be too angry."

"you're right wonnie... i can always count on you." i gave him a bright smile.

. . .

after school, i returned to my house and ran up to my room.

i needed a plan on how to tell sunghoon everything. i knew i shouldn't have kept it from him for this long but i figured that late is better than never.

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