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sunoo's pov

a week had passed since the football game.

thing sort of went back to normal. sunghoon and i were back to being attached at the hip and jay and i went back to plotting on each other's downfall.

we continued to argue and curse one another out, but underneath our feud was alight sexual tension. 

we hadn't done anything since we made our agreement but there was always that tension between us.

today was friday and sunghoon and i planned our usual afterschool hangout and sleepover at his place.

this time we decided to go to an ice cream parlor before heading home.

"welcome, how may i help you two today?" the worker behind the counter politely greeted the two of us.

"hello, we'll take one mint chocolate and one vanilla cone." sunghoon replied with a smile.

"of course!"  the worker left to go make our order.

"she was cute!" i nudged sunghoon with a grin.

"yeah she was but i'm not really interested." he shrugged.

"what? how come? you usually have a new girlfriend every semester!" i narrowed my eyes at the taller.

"i know, i feel like that's not really a good thing anymore..." he looked distantly out the window.

"what's up, hoon?" i studied him in concern.

"here's your ice cream's. enjoy!" the lady interrupted with a smile. we thanked her and sunghoon paid before we walked over to sit down.

"so, what's on your mind, hoonie?" i quizzed while excitedly eating the delicious ice cream in front of me.

"i don't know sun... it's just that i want to find something serious and not just a relationship that i'll get tired of after a few months. i think i want to wait for the right person this time." he sighed a breath of relief, as if he's been holding that on his chest.

"that's perfectly normal to think like that. it means you're maturing!" i gave the boy a bright smile to reassure him.

"speaking of... sunoo why have you never had a relationship before? are you gonna stay a virgin forever?" he joked with a smirk.

i choked on the ice cream that was in my mouth at the mention of virginity. 

after recollecting myself, i chuckled dryly and shrugged. "i um... never thought about it, i guess."

"come on, you don't have any one in mind that your interested in? what about niki? or the cute girl you sit by in your chemistry class?" he raised an eyebrow in suggestion.

"nah, i'm not interested in them like that. i just like doing my own thing i guess..." i looked around the shop to avoid eye contact with the latter. i hated lying to him.

"if you say so."

. . .

when we reached sunghoon's house, i noticed jay walking past us from the living room to go upstairs.

"what are you looking at?" he rolled his eyes before stomping up to his room.

i just ignored his attitude and followed behind sunghoon, walking into the latter's bedroom.

i felt my phone vibrate and chime in my pocket so i reached in and grabbed it. once the screen displayed my notification i realized i had received a message from none other than, park jongseong. we had exchanged numbers during the week since none of us had any way to contact each other for our deal.

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