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jay's pov

"jay, i like you. i have for a very long time. and i want to be with you... for real this time." sunoo held nothing but sincerity in his eyes.

my brain started to malfunction at the younger's declaration. to say i was shocked would be an understatement.

"you- wait, you like me? like for real?" i questioned to make sure this wasn't some dream that i didn't want to wake up from.

"yes." he replied with an anxious smile. i could tell that he was nervous to hear my response to his confession.

a uncontrollable smile spread across my face as i processed the fact that the male that i had fallen for, reciprocated my feelings.

i couldn't find the right words to say to the younger so i just brought my hand up to cup his cheek and planted a passionate kiss onto his lips. feeling him smile into the kiss, i couldn't help but mirror his expression.

i slowly backed away from the kiss while still holding onto his face. "can you repeat it, one more time?" i searched his glittery eyes.

"i like you, jay hyung." he smiled while maintaining contact between our eyes.

"i'm so in love with you..." i couldn't stop the words from slipping from my lips. it may have been too soon to say that this quickly so i began to internally panic as i waited for his reaction.

his face turned bright red as he averted his eyes away from mine. this set off alarms in my brain. i started to apologize from saying that so suddenly. "i'm sorry- i didn't mean for that to come out like that... i just-" 

i was then cut off by the feeling of his lips pressed onto mine, once again.

"don't be sorry, i'm in love with you too..." he shyly stated as he looked down to hide his face. this action was the cutest thing i had ever seen in my life. i stopped myself from grabbing the younger and squeezing him as hard as i could. (cuteness aggression is real)

i chuckled at him before lifting his chin witch my fingers so that i could look into his eyes once more. "i want to be with you too. for real this time."

he beamed his beautiful, bright, smile and let out a sigh of relief. 

"i worked myself up over nothing... and you know what sunghoon said to me?" he rolled his eyes and began to rant.

"what did he say." i grinned at his adorable attitude. 

"he said that he wouldn't talk to me until i confessed to you! isn't that some bs? like, what does he even have to do with our relationship? he's so annoying sometimes." he huffed as he sat back in his seat with crossed arms.

i laughed at his offended state before placing the keys into the ignition and starting the car. "that does sound like something he'd say." i agreed with my boyfriend as i pulled out of the parking lot.

while using one hand to steer my car, i moved my other to intertwine with the red head's hand. i glanced towards the boy only to find him blushing again. "why are you so shy?" i teased him.

"because... i'm not used to the sudden affection..." he turned his head to face the window.

"well, get used to it, babe. affection is all you're going to receive from here on out." i squeezed his hand.

"you're too cheesy..."

. . .

once we arrived at his home, the two of us exited from the vehicle and walked hand and hand to his door.

"can i have a kiss goodnight?" i asked the younger playfully.

"haven't you had enough of those?" he lifted his eyebrow at my request.

"i can never have too many." i shrugged with a snicker.

"you're clingy already, i see." he teased and before i could retort back, he ran into his house and slammed the door on my face.

my jaw dropped in shock at his sudden actions. he never fails to surprise me...

i quickly ran into my house next door to race up the stairs and into my room. as soon as i walked in, i pulled my phone from my pocket and walked to my window.

after the call went through, i spoke. "open your window." 

"why?" he responded in a puzzled tone.

"just open it." i rolled my eyes at his stubbornness.

i waited and finally the curtain's belonging to the window opposite of mine, opened to reveal my gorgeous boyfriend of approximately one hour and twenty minutes.

he smiled at me and gave a small wave and i did the same. "god, i miss you already." i spoke into the device.

"you just seen me like five minutes ago." he laughed.

"that's too long..."

"clingy ass..." he rolled his eyes while still gleaming at me through the window. 

"why did you call?" he stared at me through the glass.

"i wanted to say goodnight properly, since you slammed the door in my face." i gave him a unimpressed look.

"oh yeah... i did do that, didn't i?" he awkwardly replied.

"anyway, goodnight." i gave him a gentle grin.

"goodnight..." he softly smiled back in return.

"is it too early to say that i love you?" i questioned as i watched his reaction.

he shook his head in response, letting me know it was okay to say. "not at all." 

"in that case... i love you, kim sunoo." he brightly showed off his teeth with a large smile.

it seemed as if that's the only thing we could do tonight; smile.

"i love you too... park jongseong." i chuckled hearing him call my full name in a cute way.

"you should get some sleep." i sternly stated, not wanting him to be too tired when he wakes up the next morning for school.

"you too." he responded before ending the call and giving me one last smile. he then backed away from the glass and closed the curtains.

i copied his actions and then set my phone down before flopping onto my mattress face first and screaming into my pillow. 

i felt so many emotions at the moment and it was way too much for me to function. i rolled around my bed in a sudden boost of energy. 

i was beyond happy, i was ecstatic. i had a boyfriend. 

but not any boyfriend, kim sunoo! kim sunoo, was my boyfriend and i was so excited to tell everyone i came in contact with. 

i stood up from my bed and broke into a victory dance before making my way into the bathroom to have a nice shower to calm myself down. 

who would've thought that my little brother's, best friend (that i hated), would be my boyfriend? 

not me, that's for sure... but i wouldn't have changed it for the world. 

thank you so much for reading 'b.f.b'!

i hope you all enjoyed it!

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