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jay's pov

i looked over to my alarm clock that read 2:00am.

for some reason i just couldn't sleep.

suddenly i felt the urge to use the restroom so i got onto my feet and walked past my brother's room to reach the restroom.

i hurriedly pulled down my underwear and let myself release the built up liquid from my bladder. 

after washing my hands, i opened the door to a sudden surprise.

"why the fuck are you up?" i glared to the shorter in front of me.

i watched as sunoo gulped and nervously replied with a slight studder.

"o-oh i um.. i had to use the restroom..." he avoided eye contact which i found incredibly rude.

i wasted no time as i gripped onto his neck and slammed him into the wall behind him. i made sure to put only slight pressure, not wanting to choke the kid to death. just enough to threaten him. 

"what the fuck is wrong with you today? you're acting weirder than usual, and that's saying something." i snarled to the younger. i was tired of his odd fucking behavior and i wanted him to stop.

he just stared into my eyes and tugged his bottom lip between his teeth, not responding.

"well? are you just going to fucking ignore me?" i began to get more annoyed as time went on still hearing no reply. i applied more pressure onto my hold and came closer to his face.

scanning his expression, i noticed he was becoming increasingly red while still biting onto his lip.

"what the hell is wrong with you?!" i raised my voice slightly in aggravation.

i felt something poking my leg that was in between his, so that i could trap him. i looked down to see what it was and my eyes widened.

i slowly peered back up to the flustered boy. he was trying to avoid eye contact.

i registered what was happening and instantly released him from my hold.

silently, i turned back around and headed straight to my room; slamming the door.

what the actual fuck just happened...

did kim sunoo just get sexually aroused just because i choked him? i was so confused.

"what a little fucking pervert..." i muttered to no one in particular. 

i laid back into my bed and just stared at the ceiling, questioning life.

maybe it was an accident... like how sometimes people just randomly get those sudden boners without any reason.

but that wouldn't add up because of his behavior. he was acting like he was getting turned on by me.

i shuttered at the thought. 

i chose to ignore it and sleep it off. that kid is just plain odd.


sunoo's pov

after jay released me from his grip and walked away i was frozen in place.

no way i just got hard because jay choked me...

this was the most embarrassing thing to happen to me since fourth grade when i confessed to a girl and she rejected me in front of the whole school.

this was way worse though. i basically just admitted that i was attracted to my middle school bully, in front of him.

this is bad... real bad...

i pulled myself out of my thoughts and ran into the restroom to finish my business that i had planed to do before jay decided to interrupt me.

i quickly scurried back into sunghoon's room, avoiding any more confrontations that may occur if i didn't.

i heard the sound of sunghoon snoring as i crawled back into his queen sized bed to go under the covers. 

i hoped that if i slept, the weird situation that i just experienced would disappear from my head.


the next morning, me and sunghoon headed downstairs to get something quick to eat before school.

when we reached the kitchen however, we found none other than park jongseong, eating cereal.

we accidently made eye contact and we both awkwardly looked the other way, not wanting to face the other. 

sunghoon grabbed us some granola bars and turned around to find jay and i standing awkwardly, avoiding looking in the other's direction.

"what's going on...?" sunghoon questioned slowly with narrowed eyes.

"nothing! what do you mean?" i hurriedly replied trying to not make him suspicious.

"you two are never silent around each other. usually i have to pull you apart from choking each other out or something." sunghoon joked with a laugh.

we both turned our heads as we heard jay spit out his cereal. he and i both know why.

"ew bro what was that?" sunghoon looked disgustedly to his brother.

jay simply ignored him left the room to go back to the living area.

i wondered why he was so silent. was he that disgusted and revolted by what had happened last night?


it was now the second half of the school day and i was in the one class i had with jungwon.

"jungwon, i have a question."

"what is it?" 

"we'll it's more like a hypothetical situation. okay so, my friend is in a weird situation right now and they asked me what they should do." i lied, i just wanted help with my situation but was too embarrassed to say it was actually mine.

"okay..." jungwon accusingly replied.

"so. this friend has a person that they really, really hate, right? and the friend suddenly started becoming sexually attracted to the person that they hate because they seen the other person naked... so my friend asked me what should they do in this situation." i glossed over some details, not wanting to tell him every thing that actually happened.

"let me get this straight. this 'friend' is sexually attracted to the person that they hate so much?" jungwon emphasized on the word friend, showing that he didn't believe me.


"sunoo, i know you're just talking about yourself." jungwon rolled his eyes.

"i'm being serious! this is for a friend, not me!" i tried to convince the younger.

"okay fine, let's say this 'friend' is real. i think you should tell them that they should just confess to the person they hate instead of hiding it because that's just going to get them no where."

"no! i- they can't!" i quickly stopped myself from exposing that this really was for me.

"well, then they should just let this attraction pass." he shrugged.

"that's some great advice jungwonie. i'll be sure to let them know!" i turned back in my seat to hide the smile on my face. 

all i have to do is wait until this tiny attraction towards jay goes away! seems simple enough.

sorry for any mistakes.

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