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sunoo's pov

the next morning had arrived before i knew it.

as my brain became conscious of what's around me, i knew that the space beside me was empty.

for some odd reason that i may never know, feeling the lack of presence from jay, made my heart break.

i felt like i needed him to be with me, and he wasn't.

sighing, i lifted myself with dread from the softness of the pillow my head recently laid on. i glanced around my room to be one hundred percent sure that the older was no where to be found. 

and to my demise, he was gone. 

i told him to stay, but he left. 

pulling myself together, i decided that i would stop moping myself around like a dead man walking. 

today i would go to school and face sunghoon.

seeing jay yesterday, somehow gave me the energy to face the one person i've been procrastinating to see.

. . .

walking to school alone made me feel this emptiness inside. i mean of course i've walked without sunghoon by my side but this was different for me. 

to know that he wasn't with me and it was my own fault, really hurt.

once i entered the school, i noticed the stares from my peers. they have probably been confused about my sudden disappearance and reappearance. 

i just averted my gaze to the floor beneath me and continued on my way to first period.

as i entered the classroom, i felt an overwhelming amount of anxiety. i wasn't ready for the questions or the gossip. i wanted to go home.

"nice of you to join us mr. kim." my teacher greeted me with a smile. 

i simply bowed my head out of respect and shuffled towards my designated seat. next to sunghoon, of course.

while sitting, he refused to make eye contact with me and it felt like someone had ripped my bleeding heart straight from my chest. 

i tried to calm myself from hyperventilating from the anxiety i felt. my leg began to bounce up and down, my hands began to tremble, and my vision became blurry. it felt as if i was going to die at any moment. 

suddenly, i felt a hand hold onto mine. 

whenever i had an anxiety attack, sunghoon always knew exactly what to do in order to calm me down. 

i forced myself to only focus on the hand that was rubbing circles onto my back in a soothing manner. 

i knew this didn't mean we had made up, but it meant that he didn't utterly hate my guts. 

i was thankful for that, at least.

once my vision began to clear, i couldn't help myself from latching the older into a large hug. i needed to know he was still my best friend like he was when we were seven year olds.

i could feel him hold me back and thankfully we sat in the furthest corner from everyone because i began to quietly sob into his embrace.

"i'm so sorry hoonie. it wasn't supposed to be this way i swear." i spoke in a hushed tone so that no one could hear our conversation.

"i know you are, sun." he sighed.

"i don't know what to do without you hoon, please just... tell me what to do and i'll do it. just please forgive me. please." i pleaded while squeezing him even tighter while my tears continued to shed.

he slowly backed away from the embrace and we finally made eye contact.

he sighed once more before nodding. "okay, i'll forgive you. on one condition."

"yes, yes, anything." i agreed instantly. i didn't care what the condition may have been, i just wanted my best friend back.

"after school, you tell me what the fuck is going on. and do not leave anything out, kim sunoo." he sternly replied with narrowed eyed.

i dried my tears before nodding profusely. "deal, i'll come to your house after school and explain everything." 

"mr. kim and mr. park, please pay attention to the subject." the teacher interrupted.

the both of us rotated in our seats to face forward and finally paid attention to the class.

 i couldn't hold the smile that erupted onto my face. i was ecstatic about sunghoon speaking to me again. this was the longest we've ever gone without communicating since the day we met.

. . .

walking into the canteen, i spotted jungwon sitting along side the football team and i couldn't help but to grow puzzled.

as i made my way towards the table, jungwon had spotted me first and immediately stood onto his feet to engulf me into a tight bear hug. 

i'd been receiving an abnormal amount of snuggles recently but who was i to complain. 

"hyung! what the fuck!" he loudly spoke directly into my face.

"firstly, you're way too loud wonnie." i giggled softly at his enthusiasm.

"sorry, sorry, but where the fuck have you been? you've been missing for a week." he frowned.

"i'm sorry won, i was having a hard time." i connected eyes with sunghoon and he gave me a tight lip smile. i could just tell he began to feel guilty from hearing those words leave my mouth.

"but, i'm feeling much, much better now. so... why are you here with the jocks?" i reassured not only jungwon, but sunghoon as well because i knew he was listening to our conversation.

"sunny we're not jocks. we're athletes, duh." i turned my head in the direction of who the voice belonged to, only to find niki giving me a death stare.

i laughed while walking up to where he sat and embraced the younger from behind. "i missed you too, riki." i teased the younger who had bright red cheeks.

as i backed away, i began to scold him. "and what did i tell you about calling me that? i'm older than you, you're supposed to call me hyung." i gave the younger a dirty look. 

he just rolled his eyes and continued to eat his lunch.

out of the corner of my eye, i spotted jake, smiling ear to ear at the two of us.

"jake hyung! i missed you most!" as those words fell from my mouth i heard the gasps of my other three friends.

"i missed you too, my favorite dongsaeng." he gave me another one of his bright smiles, with a hint of mischief.

"hyung! i thought i was your favorite!" niki loudly exclaimed with a look of betrayal. i laughed at his childishness before turning to the other people at the table.

after greeting everyone else that sat at the table; since i was familiar with the team by association, i mentally prepared myself for the explaining i had to do once we arrived at sunghoon's house.

a/n: sorry for the minor delay on updates. i've been busy these few days, preparing for my senior photos! but now they're over so i'm back😁.

sorry for any mistakes.

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