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jay's pov

walking up the staircase to reach sunoo's bedroom, i began to doubt if i should have came. i mean, would sunoo even want to see me? i am the one who proposed the agreement in the first place.

putting my doubts aside, i knocked onto the younger's room, only to hear no response.

knowing the boy was in the room i began to talk. "sunoo, it's jay. i wanted to know how you're doing, could you open the door?" i spoke in a gentle tone.

"go away." i heard a soft voice call out from the other side of the door.

"i brought ice cream!" i tried to bribe him with his favorite desert.

"what kind?" 

"mint choco." as soon as those two words left my mouth i watched as the door slowly become ajar.

sunoo peaked his head from the other side and i could tell he had tear stains running down his cheeks.

finally, he stepped back from the door so that i could enter. once i finally walked into his room i could tell he was having a hard time just by the state of the space.

after closing the door, he stood next to me and asked. "can i please have the ice cream now?" he spoke in almost a whisper.

i couldn't help but smile at the cuteness of the younger in front of me. some people would say that his appearance was chaotic and unpleasing but to me he looked adorable. his hair was ruffled clearly from just waking up, he had on a pink, oversized t-shirt with a cat on it, tear streaks on his face, and some black, knee-length shorts.

"here you go." i handed him the bag of snacks and a spoon while he gave a small grin. 

i observed as he set the remaining snacks onto his desk and walked over to his bed to sit crisscross-applesauce as he opened up his mint chocolate ice cream with an expression of excitement and pure happiness.

after getting the top off of the tub, he looked up at me and patted the space next to him; indicating he wanted me get on his bed with him.

i wasted no time to walk to the side adjacent to where he sat and climbed into bed.

afterwards, he paid me no mind as he enjoyed the sweet dairy treat. i just watched his every move with the ghost of a smile on my face.

"you know, sunghoon is sulking away in his room too?" i finally broke the silence.

he remained silent but gave me a deadly side-eye before getting up to place his left over ice cream onto the desk with the other items i had purchased.

my eyes followed as he returned to the place he sat before but this time, he crawled beneath the sheets and laid on his side to face me.  

"i don't want to talk about him right now, please." tears began to collect back into his beautiful amber colored eyes.

i nodded and mirrored his position while getting under the covers as well. 

as his tears started to fall onto his face, i brought my hand to cup his cheek and slowly dried his tears with my thumb.

his eyes just gazed at me with a look of serene. once our eyes had met, i suddenly got a flashback to the one night where we kissed under the moonlight.

"i missed you." he suddenly declared, breaking me from my trance.

"you did?" i managed to utter through the loud sound of my heart beat echoing in my ears.  

"yeah." he replied with a gentle smile as he moved closer towards me.

"can you hold me? just for a while." he whispered as if speaking too loud would destroy the delicate moment we shared.

i lifted my arm under his head and snaked my other, around his small waist whilst bringing our bodies as close as humanly possible. 

after a moment of silence, his voice filled my ears once again. "thank you for being so nice to me, hyung."

we held eye contact and i couldn't help but feel an unfamiliar feeling within myself. i've never felt this way towards anyone in my life.

"can i kiss you?" i muttered softly, observing the red head's reaction.

he answered my question by connecting our lips gently. it felt like fireworks had erupted in my brain. suddenly every worry i've ever had, faded away. 

i quickly responded and kissed him passionately. this wasn't just a kiss, for me, this meant something. i didn't understand what it meant but i felt something within me shift.

once we separated i couldn't hold back my smile. 

sunoo buried himself into my chest and began to mumble something that was muffled by the fabric of my shirt.

"i can't hear you." i chuckled at his cute behavior.

"you've changed." he lifted his head upwards to face me so i could hear him.

i grinned down at the boy while furrowing my eyebrows. "how so?"

"i don't know... you're cuddling me and you brought me snacks and ice cream. also you're giving me kisses... i like this version of you." he finished his rant with a bright smile.

"hmm... maybe i am changing." i copied his smile as i brought him even closer to me. i don't even know why i'm doing all these things for him.

if you told me i'd be cuddling with kim sunoo in his bed two months ago, i'd laugh in your face and call you crazy.

after a while i noticed sunoo's breathing became steady and he was fast asleep. i decided to follow his actions as i slowly drifted off into dream land.

. . .

sunoo's pov

as i woke up from my nap i was greeted by the sight of a sleeping jay.

i took this time to observe his features. 

i noticed how he held a slight pout on his lips while unconscious. how he had freckles spread across his cheeks if you looked hard enough. how this eyebrow hairs were thinner at the beginning and became thicker towards the ends. i noticed the small scar that laid upon his nose bridge. i noticed his sharp eye shape that used to cut through me like sharp knives but now are pillowy soft when he gazes into my eyes.

and most of all, i noticed how utterly beautiful the male was.

i began to question if i only viewed the older as an 'acquaintance' like we agreed to become. 

i knew acquaintances didn't kiss each other tenderly. i knew acquaintances didn't hold one another in their arms while sharing delicate words. i knew acquaintances didn't share moment's that felt as the world stopped and they were the only two people on the earth.

and most of all, i knew acquaintances didn't like one another like how i liked jay.

while admiring the one that laid beside me, i realized i had fallen for my best friend's brother. 

jay's eyes began to flutter open and he gave me a sweet smile as he came to full consciousness. i returned the gesture and hid my face back into his embrace, not wanting to let go.

when i had awoken earlier, i seen that it had become dark outside from my window. 

"i should probably head home." jay broke the silence with a hoarse and deep voice from just waking up. 

"stay the night. please..." i sheepishly replied with a tented hue on rising onto my face from my request. 

"you want me to stay?"

i shifted up from his chest to look at his face again. "of course. i enjoy having you with me." i cheesed at the older.

he chuckled deeply and lowered his head to place a soft peck on my lips before placing another on my temple.

"okay, i'll stay with you." 

sorry for any mistakes.

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