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sunoo's pov

after i collected myself; post meltdown, i rushed to find my clothes that were thrown across jay's bedroom floor. 

i knew i had to at least attempt to explain why i was sleeping nude while in jay's bed; not that it would help much... 

making my way towards sunghoon's room, i tried to come up with a way to explain the situation without making it worse than it already was.

i knocked loudly on the door to receive no answer. however, i knew he was in the room, since the lights shinned through from underneath his door.

"sunghoon, please. let's talk about this." i continued to bang on the surface before the door swung open harshly to reveal the one person i wanted to talk to at the moment.

"hoon, i-" i wasn't able to finish my sentence as i was interrupted.

"you should go, sunoo." in the long ten years of knowing sunghoon, i have never  seen him look at me with such pure disgust. just glancing at the scowl that laid upon his perfect facial features could make your skin crawl. 

my tears immediately flooded my face and i had no control over them.

this was my best friend, the one i'd give my life for. the one person in this world who loved me unconditionally and accepted me with open arms. 

his eyes once full of admiration, now filled with loathe towards me. 

i really, really, fucked up this time.

"hoonie, please." i pleaded while tears coated my flushed cheeks. 

"go, kim sunoo." he pointed his index fingers towards the staircase, indicating he wanted me to leave.

i couldn't stand the glare of resentment that sunghoon held, so i darted out the house that i've been calling my second home since i was a child.

i quickly made my way though my front door and ran past my mother who held a puzzled expression upon my sudden appearance. 

all i wanted was to be left alone.

once i finally reached my long-awaited destination, i raced into the comfort of my bed; wrapping myself under the duvet.

this is the shittiest i have ever felt. 

i knew i should have told him earlier. i didn't want him to find out like this.

the tears had no intention of coming to an end, and i allowed them to flow. 

hearing two soft knocks on my bedroom door made me dive even further into my banket's warmth. i had no energy for explaining why i practically sprinted through our house to get into my room while crying profusely. 

refusing to reply to the sounds at the entrance of my room; my mother decided to communicate through the wooden barricade. 

"what's wrong, my love?" she sweetly questioned with concern for my well-being. 

"i just want to be left alone right now, mom." i managed to croak through the sobs.

"okay then... whenever you're ready to tell me, i'll always be here." she gently replied before i heard her footsteps move further and further from earshot. 

i knew i didn't want to face sunghoon after seeing the way he was clearly upset with me. so i decided that i wouldn't go to school on monday or however long i can possibly stay home.

. . .

jay's pov

it's been a week since the whole ordeal happened.

sunghoon has refused to talk to me. every time i walk into a room, he get's up and immediately leaves. i don't understand why he's so upset. 

i guess, i did sleep with his best friend... but honestly i don't think it's as big of a deal as he's making it out to be.

i haven't seen sunoo since he abruptly left that day. all week i've been texting to see if he was okay but only to receive no answer in return.

it's been weird not seeing him almost every single day. this is the first week in a decade that sunghoon and sunoo have been consistently away from each other and i could tell that sunghoon wasn't taking it well either.

the house felt empty without sunoo's presence in all honestly. 

knowing him, he's probably been sulking away in his bed all week.

i decided i would at least check on him to see how he's feeling since i've yet to hear back from him.

i knew he would want some comfort food because he loves snacking whenever he can.

while i was standing in front of the ice cream section at the convenience store, i noticed a familiar frame down the aisle.  

"heeseung hyung!" i called out to the figure.

he turned and gave me a large smile before making his way towards where i stood.

"jay! what's up, man? what are you doing here?" he gave me a small embrace before questioning me.

"oh, i'm just here to pick up something for sunoo." i responded casually and watched as his face morph into a puzzled expression.

"sunoo? the one you hate?" he furrowed his eyebrows in question.

"yeah, well, we don't hate each other anymore." i awkwardly chuckled while scratching the back of my nape.

"what changed?" he pried, again.

"uh... we kind of... had sex?" i responded in more of a question than a statement.

he raised his eyebrows in shock of my response. "you had sex?" he asked again to make sure he heard me correctly.

"yup... multiple times actually." i gave another awkward, tight lip, grin to the older.

"wow! i didn't expect that! wait... isn't he like, best friends with sunghoon?"

"yeah that's also why i'm here. they sort of got in a fight once sunghoon found out." i sighed while returning to find the ice cream that sunoo likes.

"oh man, that's tough." he replied, understanding the situation.

"tell me about it."

. . .

after saying my goodbyes to heeseung and paying for the items, i made my way to sunoo's house.

walking up to his front door, i started to feel nervous for some reason. i've been here plenty of times so i don't know why i suddenly got a jittery feeling. 

brushing it off, i knocked three times, only to be greeted by the lovely lady that i've come to know since childhood.

"hello aunty, is sunoo home?" i politely greeted the older woman.

"hi honey! yes he is, come on in." she responded while beaming at me.

once i stepped into the home, her smile suddenly turned into a saddened one.

"unfortunately, he's locked himself in his room all week so i don't know if you'll have any luck, sweetheart." she patted my back before walking back into the opposite direction.

of course i knew he had isolated himself from the world but i also knew it was worth a try, at least.

sorry for any mistakes.

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