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jay's pov

after my door had been closed, i let out a deep sigh and fell back onto my pillow.

i kept asking myself why i had complimented and kissed the younger so tenderly. i didn't understand my own actions. 

i knew that i still hated the male but tonight was different. i just wanted to be close to him and feel his skin against mine. 

i tried to ignore it by cleaning myself off. but still, i want to see how his eyes glittered under the moonlight as they poured into mine. 

actually no, i reminded myself how much of a prick the kid is towards me. even in bed, he left rude comments for no reason. 

i hated him. 

i thought about this deal we have going on and i pondered if it was even a good idea. i mean of course the sex was out of this world, but was it worth it? 

i'm the one who brought the deal to the other but i had started second guessing my actions. we would always have to sneak around in order for my younger brother to not find out and not to mention the fact that we can't stand each other.

i hated the fact that he even occupied a fraction of my brain.

i hated his voice and the way he can easily give you the dirtiest look you've ever been given. i hated his soft cheeks that covered his eyes when he smiled. i hated the way he would laugh at every joke that someone said, just so that they wouldn't feel bad about it. 

i hated how he made me reconsider the fact that i hated him.

. . .

the next day i woke up and did my daily routine before heading down stairs to grab some breakfast.

when i made my way into the kitchen i found kim sunoo, sitting on a barstool while eating cereal. sunghoon, no where in sight.

"where is sunghoon? and why the fuck are you eating my cereal?" i realized that he was eating my favorite cereal that only i eat. i walked in front of him with a scowl.

"um... sunghoon is still asleep since it's like 8am and i'm eating this cereal because i want to." he shrugged and glowered back, challenging me.

i leaned forward so that our faces were inches apart. "don't fucking test me, kim." i warned the younger.

"or what?" he narrowed his eyes.

i grabbed the spoon from in his bowl and ate the cereal right in his face. 

all he did was crack a big smile and burst out laughing. he was laughing so hard that i began to smile as well at his contagious reaction.

"you're so stupid." he shook his head after his fit of laughter had ended with a few giggles.

i have no idea why i did it, but i leaned forward and placed a peck onto his lips. 

i watched as his eyes grew large and his face turned extremely red. 

realizing what i had just done, i cleared my throat awkwardly and backed away. "u-um just don't eat my cereal again..." i turned my back and went into the fridge to get the eggs.

"okay..." i heard the latter almost whisper, clearly still in shock of what i had just done. there was an awkward silence before we heard the sounds of feet dragging down the stairs.

"good morning sun, good morning jay- wait jay?" sunghoon greeted before standing in a confused stance.

"what?" i questioned my younger brother.

"how are you two in the same room right now and one of you isn't dead?" he glanced between me and sunoo.

i accidently made eye contact with the red head and instantly looked away. 

"we're not monsters sunghoon, we can be civil too." sunoo replied while playing with the cereal in his bowl.

"um no you can't. every second you're around each other, all hell breaks loose." sunghoon continued while grabbing a poptart.

"you're being dramatic." i added while still cooking my scrambled eggs.

"uh no i'm not-" 

sunghoon was cut off by sunoo this time. "just drop it hoon. we're being nice, you should be happy about that." he rolled his eyes.

 sunghoon simply shrugged while eating his poptart.

. . .

it was now around 5pm so i decided to sit in the living room and watch some netflix.

after a while of watching my show however, i felt a presence of someone sitting down at the other end of the sofa.


"what?" i responded without breaking my gaze from the large tv screen, knowing who the voice belonged to.

"why did you kiss me earlier?" sunoo bluntly asked.

i was completely thrown off by the latter's sudden question so we sat in silence for a while. i grabbed the remote and paused my show, not wanting to miss anything.

"i don't know." i responded dryly to his question.

"you don't know?" he quizzed.

"that's what i said, isn't it?" i held a blank expression while finally meeting the other's eyes.

he just stared at me for a while, not saying a word.

"what do you want?" i finally broke the silence.

"why do you hate me jay? all these years, you've never given me a reason for antagonizing me since middle school. please tell me, why?" he basically pleaded with his eyes.

i didn't respond for a moment while i tried to remember the specific reason that this all started.

"i think it was because you took my brother away. i suppose i was jealous that sunghoon stopped hanging out with me and chose you instead." i replied while staring at the paused tv in front of me.

"jay... i didn't take him away. he will always be your brother. i didn't realize i was taking up all his time from you when we were younger... i'm sorry. seriously." he apologized and stood up to sit directly next to me.

i looked back only to see he was extremely close. i simply nodded to acknowledge his apology.

he reached over and grabbed my hands, intertwining them. 

"can we at least become acquaintances? we don't have to be friends but could we at least stop hating each other? it's been years." i felt him rub the pad of his thumb across the back of my hand as our eyes held contact.

"yeah, we can do that." i mumbled loud enough only for him to hear.

i analyzed as the corners of his mouth lifted into a gentle smile. i returned the gesture with a small grin.

"okay then, jay hyung. i'm going to go back up stairs before sunghoon suspects that i'm not actually using the bathroom." he emphasized the word 'hyung', since he's never used it with me before. 

"okay." i felt his hold release on my hand as he stood up and slowly disappeared from my line of vision.

i sighed. now, i officially couldn't say that i hated kim sunoo.

sorry for any mistakes.

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