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sunoo's pov

it was the next day, monday morning.

i had successfully covered all the marks with makeup so that no one would ask any questions.

sunghoon and i were currently walking to school per usual. but i was feeling extremely guilty about what i did behind his back so i stayed silent.

"sun, what's wrong? you're being quieter than usual." sunghoon stopped walking and held a concerned face, causing me to halt.

"it's really nothing hoon, i promise. i'm just really tired that's all. now, can we go before we're late?" i felt myself get choked up om my words, i absolutely hated lying to sunghoon. 

he's the only person in this world who knows any and everything about me and i was holding this secret between us.

i was a horrible friend.

"okay, i'll believe you. also, i have a game today. are you coming?" he asked with a glimmer of excitement.

just seeing him happy made me happy too. "of course i'll be there. have i ever missed one of your games before?" i sarcastically asked with a bright smile.

he just laughed in returned and slung his arm over my shoulder. 

. . .

school had ended but i was walking home alone, since sunghoon had to be at practice for the game tonight.

i walked into my room to decide on what i wanted to wear for tonight. i decided on a simple black nike, compression shirt and some grey sweatpants. i didn't want to dress up too much since it's just a high school football game.

after choosing my outfit, i decided to take a shower and then reapply the makeup onto the hickeys, so that it could last throughout the game.

when i was finally finished with getting myself ready, i realized the game would start in about thirty minutes so i figured i should leave now so i wouldn't be late.

suddenly, i heard the doorbell ring and my mom answer it. 

i was curious on who could be at the door since we rarely get guests besides sunghoon.

as i reached the bottom of the stairs, my eyes grew wide. there in the walkway, stood park jongseong in the flesh. 

he and my mom turned to look at me once i reached to where they were.

"oh! here he is!" my mom excitedly exclaimed to jay.

i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion on what he was doing in my house.

"jay here, said he came by to pick you up for the game! isn't that so kind, sun?" my mom asked with a big smile.

"um yeah... extremely kind." i faked a smile.

"well, i won't hold you kids up for the game. have fun!" she gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking away towards the kitchen.

i just stood staring at jay for a moment with a puzzled expression. 

"come on, we don't have all day." was the only thing he said before walking back out the door.

i hurriedly followed shortly behind after putting on my shoes.

once i got into the car it was only pure silence. i just stared foreword and avoided eye contact with the older. he then, started up the car and began driving towards the high school.

. . .

parking the car in the school parking lot, he let out a sigh.

"so... you're probably wondering why i decided to pick you up." he suddenly spoke after a moment of silence.

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