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sunoo pov

2 weeks had passed since the incident. 

my plan of ignoring and avoiding jay was going pretty well. 

i also felt like my attraction was mostly going away too. well, minus the occasional lewd dreams that appeared every once in a while. 

i still haven't told sunghoon anything yet, even though it feels so wrong to keep things from him since we've told everything to each other for the past decade. 

it's not like i wanted to keep this from him, it's more like i'm too afraid to tell him.

sunghoon and i were walking to a caffe we usually go to since it's Saturday and we were bored.

once we got there, as soon as we opened the entrance door, i smelled the aroma of coffee flood into my nose. there was a small line ahead of us so we just waited our turn.

"hey guys! i didn't know you two would be here!" i turned around to identify who the voice belonged to and i found jake and niki standing behind us with big smiles on their face.

i returned the smiles and said, "hi! what are you two getting?" i attempted to make small talk.

"definitely not mint chocolate." niki stuck out his tongue at me.

i raised my fist playfully as he dramatically flinched.

"do you guys wanna sit with us?" sunghoon asked the duo.

"yeah sure let's go!" jake happily smiled.


"so what's your plans for today?" i asked the two football players.

"oh we just planned on hanging out, nothing too crazy." jake replied.

"same for us, we usually just play video games and watch movies at my place. you two can join if you'd like." sunghoon suggested.

"of course we want to join!" niki excitedly cheered.


when we returned to sunghoon's house, it was around five pm since the four of us decided to go to the stores to get snacks.

luckily for me, jay was no where to be found. i silently hoped that he wouldn't come home for the night either. 

we decided to play video games for the first half of the night and then we'd watch movies for the second half since jake and niki planned to stay the night as well.

"i've always wondered how you two became best friends." niki suddenly spoke.

"me too!" jake agreed.

"one time when we were seven, this boy came up to me and started bullying me. so then, little sunoo came out of no where and stabbed him right in the arm with a pencil. he got in so much trouble because the kid started bleeding a little." sunghoon explained while we all laughed.

"that's badass, kim!" jake complimented me for my brave actions.

"and then sunghoon wouldn't leave me the fuck alone after that. like seriously he would follow me everywhere like a lost puppy because he was too scared to talk to other people." we all laughed even harder as i shoved sunghoon playfully.

we ended up watching a scary movie that sunghoon and jake was very much against the idea but niki and i insisted. 

. . .

it was around 1am and everyone else had fallen asleep. but for some reason i was up and wanted a snack so i decided to go grab one from the kitchen.

i tip toed as quietly as possible because i knew everyone in the house was currently sleeping.

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