chapter one

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Ya'"ll am actually a little down before I started writing this book as I thought being a writer does not suit me but as someone asked me when am starting my new novel I actually felt happy that at least someone love my first work to ask for the second one so I decided to start it. That's why am really dedicating this book to you KhadijaShettima in particular sannan  daku Yan aji and Wattpad fam 🥰.

At Bauchi state..

"Mimi please let me have it please please" came a cute little voice of a typical Fulani small girl all decked up in a Sofia dress sitting in a lavishly decorated blue and milk living room with her mother next to her.

No najwa, please listen to me I said no ice cream for you, what if your asthma attack starts again.

"Toh ai Mimi I would not have much I promise"she seechingly said looking at her mother.

No najwa I won't listen to you today so better give up trying to convince me but if you want pizza, shawarma,spring rolls or meat pie I can ask Dan ladi to get it for you.

"I don't want anything if you are not letting me have the ice cream" she said angrily ann storm out of the living room and went back to her room.

Allah na gode maka , wai am scared about her health but she don't care.

Salam alaikum....

Oh welcome back guys are even back early, toh what did the doctor said now .

"Actually Mimi he said we have to go Canada as soon as possible for the kidney transplant" her son said as he sit next to her.

"That's why I think we should leave tomorrow" her husband said.

Ohkkk Allah kaimu and may it be successful was all Mimi could say.

"Ni where is my baby ne don since the time we came back banji magananta ba" daddy asked searching the living room.

She went back to her room angry at me wai because magana ta Shan ice cream.

"Huuuh this girl and ice cream ba , she knows she is sick but still want to have it toh Allah Mana Mai kyau" Daddy said.

"Nameer can you go and talk to her since she is your baby doll and I want to talk to your dad"Mimi said gesturing him to leave.

"Ohkk Mimi I would get going" he said and left while she talked to Daddy of only what God knows.

While entering najwa's room nameer found it decorated lavishly with a set of everything in baby pink.
"Woow so they changed everything for her" he said admiring the beauty of the room when he noticed her on the bed.
"Ahhhh baby doll so you are here" he said sitting next to her while she turned her back to him angrily.

Come on baby doll stop being angry please.

I am not angry at anyone I just want to be alone.

I know you are baby doll so please forget about about ice cream and now let's talk about your upcoming birthday party.

What about it, nothing special is happening I know so why should we talk about it.

"And who said that there would be nothing special" came Mimi's voice as she entered the room.

Since it's your eighth birthday we will celebrate it in India and I will let you have some ice cream on that day.

"Thank you, thank you,thank you, Soo much Mimi I really love you" she happily said as she hug her mother.

"Immmm.... So it's only Mimi that you love ba, thank you" nameer said

"Hba ya nameer I love you too" she said and hug him as well.

Emmmmm..... Najwa dear you should sleep now because tomorrow we have to leave for Adamawa state.

Woooww....Adamawa it's been long since we went there but why tomorrow Mimi.

Because the day after tomorrow we are going to Canada for nameer's surgery while you would stay there that's why we are going.

But why would I be the only one to stay there I want to go with you people.

You can't najwa I already told you it's for nameer's treatment so you can't come with us.

Listen baby doll mom don't want you to suffer when you come along with us, that's why you should just stay in uncle suleiman's house.

Fine I agree but you won't be long right or else I will never talk to you again.

"Yes in sha Allah we won't be long let's just pray that the surgery goes smoothly" Mimi said

Ameen Mimi .

"Ok now let's leave her to sleep nameer" Mimi said.

Ok good night baby doll 🤚.

Good night ya nameer🤚.

Najwa am leaving also don't forget to say your prayers before sleeping.

Insha Allah Mimi I will.

"Good night dear I love you" she said after kissing her forehead.

Love you too Mimi.

Ohkk bye 🤚.

Bye Mimi 🤚.

Y""all hope you enjoy the first chapter please like and comment at the comment section.

If there is any corrections please y""all should not hesitate to point it out but in private.
Thank you 😊 for giving up your precious time just for this book @ destined to meet.

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