chapter six

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Hlo y"ll hope you are doing great. Am really sorry for the incompetence 🙏🙏.

It's been two days since after the wedding but still najwa didn't see her husband, she's the only one who have been sleeping in that house with the maids and guards.

"Ya Allah if he doesn't come then how can I even start thinking of going back to school" she kept murmuring to herself in the kitchen when she heard noises the living room, curiosity got the better of her and she decided to check what it was and y'll what she saw actually shocked the life out of her. It was a breathtakingly cold looking handsome young man that  just came to the house and all the maids that came across him must bow and greet him. With that najwa knows that this man is none other than her mysterious husband.

"Don't you know how to great your boss or do you want to lose your job" came kabeer's voice taking her out of her reverie.

"Ohhh... sorry!! Good afternoon" she just said not sure of what to say more.

"You can all go back to your work except you" he said indicating najwa who was ready to leave just like the other maids .

Can you inform najwa to get ready by 8pm we will visit Maryam the twins wants to meet her.

Ok  I will be ready insha Allah..

What!! Are you really the najwa?

Yes , am najwa abdulmajid your mysterious wife ba 😊. sorry for not recognizing you kinsan how we got married and  since after the marriage I was not able come home.

It's ok I can understand it's not like you care about the marriage or me so don't worry.

It's not like that am sure you know why we got married and so I have to prove myself to rabeenat that I only love her and have no any feelings for you that's why I have to stay at somewhere excluding this house till after sometime.

Thank you for saving me and taking me out of that harsh life and don't worry I promise to never be a problem between you and your girlfriend .

Thank you for understanding  I really appreciate it najwa.

It's ok dama i want to talk to you about my school you know am left behind and jamb is around the corner.

Don't worry about that  I will living here now because I already sort it out with her so we can talk  about it after we are back from maryam's house.

Ihmmm... Thanks for the support.

It's my pleasure 🙏.


Anty najwa you really are so beautiful said fadil as he kept staring at najwa's face .

Ya rabb he is right whl aunt naj you are even better than miss rabeenat in  everything kawaide she is chubby and you are slim ne fadila said as the two of them sat in front of najawa  observing her looks .

Kids can you let her sit well and be comfortable their mother said as she came into the living room with a plate containing some refreshments while a maid came with drinks.

Don't worry anty Maryam am ok we are just having a gist .

Still de don't listen to them if not this kids will sell you whl because of their stubbornness..

And what is happening here kabeer came into the living room.

Nothing much crush we are just admiring her beauty fadila said as she sat on kabeer's lap and  fadil also joined her.

Ko Kuma you are disturbing her ba?

Hba you know us ai we are good kids kawaide we really like her at first glance ne they said in unison.

Najwa why are you quiet talk mna this is like kabeer's house also anty Maryam said to a shy najwa .

Ehhmm I don't know what to say ai  anty Maryam.

Ohk I will get going if you are done having fun then I will pick you up myself.

Ohkk but... Your number so I can call you because I don't have it.

I will tell you it's 0706868.... Kai fadila did she ask you anty Maryam interrupted parrot fadila.

Ok let me save it for you myself he said as he collect her phone.


How do you find the kids so good and trouble some right?

Yes Masha Allah they are so good and they don't have a problem I just like them najwa said not sure of what to say next as she is just nervous of them being together alone in the car the car for the first time.

Tell me something about yourself so I can know you kabeer asked.

Ni?.... Actually before we are 4 in my family you see Mimi, Daddy,ya nameer then me and we live in Bauchi state my father is a businessman so one time ya nameer was diagnosed with kidney problem and need a transplant in Canada and the moment they left they had a plane crash and all died. You know there death is the beginning of my hard life in Adamawa state.

Ayyah am sorry for everything bad that has happened in your life I promise to try my best to take care of you am sorry but don't expect for me to love you like in a romantic way because I really have someone I love and we have been together for the past 6 years so I really can't hurt her.

It's ok you don't have to worry I will just focus on finishing my secondary school and then fulfill my dream.

Thank you for understanding me and don't worry after you are done with your secondary school I will pay for your whole University fee and then free you from this relationship so you can find someone better and also marry.

Thank you so much for helping may Allah give you whatever you want.

Amen....we are home I think you should go to your room and rest since tomorrow is Sunday no office so we can talk about your school and other stuffs.

Ihmmm.... good night.she said and they all left to their respective rooms.


Because kabeer do not eat a food prepared by a maid najwa had to wake up early that day and cook breakfast for them even though he said it's ok he will go and eat at home she still says it's her duty as his wife in islam .  After the breakfast they sat down in the living room and discussed about the school najwa wants to finish her ss3 at and the university she wants to go. So after they finalize everything and signed the documents he told her that she can start going to school the other day and he will assign a driver for her. That day najwa prayed two nafila and thanked Allah almighty for starting to change her life for the better and later on chats with her friends because it's really been long since she last long into either her whatsapp account or Instagram so after that she slept happily that day for the first time after her family's death.

Hlo y'll please be voting for this book because it's really important or else I will really  feel discouraged and stop writing the book...
Thanks y"ll hafy_writes loves you all.

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