chapter fifteen

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Hloooo y'all...
All I can keep saying is that sorry for not updating early...wlh it's still about my phone but don't worry am trying to rectify the problem and insha Allah i will try and finish the complete book this December so i can start a new one at the beginning of the new Year.


Hba kabeer why do you look so dull everyday please tell me the problem am worried najwa said sitting next to him on the couch.

Don't worry i will tell you later at the room i promise he said still with the sad face he has been having for almost a week now.

That's what you have been saying but you haven't said anything yet am worried sick about you.

I know but i made a promise that i will tell you today so don't worry i will surely tell you.

Ohkk then let me go and get dinner for us she said and left to the kitchen.

Kabeer kabeer she called a little bit loud so he could hear her because he was in his own world of thoughts and merely touch the food in front of him. najwa what's wrong he said lifting his head up.

Why are you not eating your food do you know how you look it's as if you lost someone so dear to you and the pain is unbearable but you are managing .

Am not hungry that's why should finish your food so you can take the medicine 💊 on time.

Am not eating as long as you are do not eating she said pushing the plate of pasta 🍝 away .

Please don't be stubborn now just eat it i will also eat.

Ohkk...she said and they both ate the food in silence even though he didn't eat much as he kept thinking about only what God knows.

You can tell me now since you said when we come back to the bedroom you will tell me she said standing akimbo.

Ohkk... najwa please don't be angry about it even though i know you ought to be just know that whatever i will do is not because i want to hyrt you or because i like it ...wlh ıt because i am helpless he said with a misty eyes.

It's ok i will try not to get angry and understand so please tell me already because am getting more worried being in the dark..

Am getting married to rabeenat tomorrow he said finally releasing the breath he has been holding with a sad face.

What.....najwa yelled because she was just beyond surprise.

Yes that's what I've been thinking of telling you since but i couldn't muster the courage because it's so difficult for me.

Wha...what are you talking about kabeer she said her eyes full of pain, sadness and anger.

I know you will be shock but it's the truth ....just don't judge me and allow me to explain please 🙏.

What's there to explain you can't say she forced you into marrying her right because i know she can't so what's there left to explain for me.

She is suffering from a serious mental health because of obsession and tried committing suicide so her friend took the case to court and the court want me to just marry her if in order to save her and she also agrees to convert back to Islam so kinga i really have to marry her.

And you agree to just do it without thinking twice she said now letting the tears she had been holding out of her eyes.

It's because i have no option big baby if not i will never get married again you know this better than anyone, you are my only mi amor he said hugging her.

I can understand.. it's fine then..  you should just promise to always do the right thing she said wiping away the tears.

Insha Allah i will always do the right thing as long as you are with me.

I will pull through it as well so don't think too much but did you tell ammiey and the rest .

That's the problem wifey i don't know how to tell anyone even you i had to muster the courage to do so but i know ammiey will even disown me if i tell her he said now sitting at the edge of the bed.

I think i will explain it to them so you don't have to worry.

Thank you so much 😊 without you am useless he said hugging her baby bump.

See you wai without you am useless you are useful mna.

Really then tell me how useful i am he said massaging her silky long black hair so beautifully as she placed her head on his lap.

I want to eat something so yummy 😋 will you get it for me she said giving him the best puppy eye she always does whenever she is craving for something t at night.

What do want to eat kuma this time around.

Just any junk food please 🥺🥺🙏 am starving.

Ok wait and don't sleep i will go get something i can find in the fridge .

Their is nothing in the fridge ai it's all finished.

Hba najwa i just filled the fridge this week fah just how much do you eat.

It's not me but our baby now please will you go she said smiling cutely.

Fine i will but don't you dare sleep he said taking his car keys from the bedside table.

I will not insha Allah kaga i will just chat with my friends she said bringing out her phone from her bag.

Ok bye baby he said pecking her head and left then the house.

Guys hope you really are enjoying this book
....... please 🙏🥺 if there is any chapter you see that needs correction then you can always point it out for me.

Thank you all for sparing your amazing time just to read my book.
Hafy_writes loves you 🥰😍😍

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