chapter three

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Hy ya"ll you must be thinking as to why the novel is still not interesting right!!!???
Don't worry we are about to be there just be a little more patient and wait cause everything is about to change soon.

"Toh malama najwa please Banda rashinji and always obey them kinji" Daddy said to crying najwa who is with Mimi since the time they reached the airport.

"O...o..ohk Daddy, I will really miss you people" she said breaking down once again.

"Hba baby doll we won't be long fah it's just for a couple of days" nameer said giving her a hug.

Ohkk don't worry Mana kinji there is 10 million in suleiman's account for you just ask him whenever you need it ok.

Ok daddy thank you.

"We should go now najwa ko let's not make them late" uncle suleiman said who has been there and patiently waiting for them to finish the emotional moments.

Ok bye and take care they all said to each other and then uncle suleiman mad najwa left while her family boarded their plane.

"Kee!!! Who asked you to touch my doll , are you crazy" Sarah said angrily to taking back her doll from poor najwa.

Ayyah am sorry Zara I was just admiring it.

Ihmmmmm... Admiring ba I think I never asked you to do so.

Shine nace am sorry I won't do it again.

"Better cause if I catch you with any of my belongings again ai you will pay the price mtsssswww" she said and left najwa all alone in the living room crying.

"Yes, yes they are the ones,he is even my immediate brother" came uncle suleiman's voice in his bedroom busy on a call.

"hmmm Good, I hope you believe in destiny" said the man from the other line.

Of course every being that believe Allah exist must believe in it. But please can I know who you are and why you called me because you have been beating around the bush since so  tell me clearly what you want to say.

Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I am ACP kaigama Dan takawal ,  and am to inform you that the plane in which Mr abdulmajid sabo and his family boarded  had a  crash  on it's way due to  bad weather and all  the passengers in it were burned to ashes.

From Allah we are and to him we shall return was all uncle suleiman could say before the phone fell down.

"Lafiya suleiman" came a worried anty nafisa.

"Ya majid's plane crashed and all of them  were burned to ashes" he said tears rolling down his cheeks.

Inna lillahi wa Inna ilaihir rajiun.

" what's wrong" came najwa andd Zara's worried voice   at the same time.

"Actually it's your father  that lost his fave friend" lied anty nafisa while all uncle suleiman could do was crying his eyes out.

Ohhh uncle don't worry let's just pray for him.

Yes Daddy stop crying please let's just pray for him.

"Y....yes, you kids are right all we can do is pray now" he said tears still rolling out of his eyes

"Najwa I want to tell you something" anty nafisa said with a teary eye.

No nafisa please don't tell her it will break her.

But she needs to know suleiman so she can always pray for them.

Still don't tell her please 🙏.

Anty nafisa what's it please tell me.

Okk I will tell you najwa but please don't worry Allah is always with us don't forget this.

insha Allah everything will be ok I know that so please tell me anty.

You...your fa...families plane crashed and all the passengers in it turned to ashes I mean they are all no more.

What!!!!! Was all najwa could say before everything turned blurred to her.

"Najwa..... Najwa..... Ya Allah let's call a doctor suleiman" anty nafisa said worriedly as they rush to her.

Mimi... Mimi... Mimi came najwa's faint voice after regaining conscious.

"Najwa are you alright dear" uncle suleiman asked with his bloodshot eyes.

I know you are joking about what you said so please call them so we can talk to them.

Am sorry najwa but that's the truth ya Majid, your mom and nameer are no more.

Innalillahi 🙆😭 was all najwa could say before she burst into another set of tears.

After all the zaman makoki and everything the family had a meeting of who will take najwa and alhamdullah uncle suleiman agreed to take her and give her shelter so that's why all her families kafara are now with uncle suleiman.

Which kind of a bitch are you ne wai nawa, bakiji me mommy tace bane you are washing the dishes and not me.

But am not a servant so why should I do it.

"Ohoooo so am a servant ba that's why you are expecting me to do it. Then am not doing it ko kiyi or no dinner today for you" Zara said and hissed before leaving her.

"Ya Allah please help me out of this trouble 😔 I wish my Mimi is alive today"najwa said and started crying while washing the dishes.

After she was done hajiya nafisa gave a remain of Zara's food as dinner because she complained before washing the dishes.

The end.

Y"all  am seriously angry with anty nafisa why would she do this to a kid it's not fair.

And Zara huuuhhh she really is something, I don't know why she hates najwa alot.

And uncle suleiman where is he while his family are here tormenting an innocent child..... Could it be that he is aware of it and can't do anything or he even has no idea or do you think he is among them tormenting his nephew.

Guys you can only get the answers if you keep on reading destined to meet.

So please keep reading it and always give us a good comment.

Hafy_writes loves you.

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