chapter sixteen

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Hlo guys how are you doing and everything at your various places......
I just want to tell you that destined to meet is finally coming to an end in some time......
I really Hope you like the book and will always root for me and my books.


Many people can be seen going to and fro at kabeer's house since today is the weeding but no one is happy about it except the bride and her family of course.

Ango Ango kasha kanshi came sadeeq's mocking voice at the gate of kabeer's house.

Kasan Allah sadeeq i will deal with you if you don't cut this nonsense of yours he said seriously.

Hba ango today is your day fah don't be angry please he said adjusting kabeer's babban riga.

To hell with you ni am going to najwa ma he said and was about to go inside when he saw fadil running out of the house with fadila following him.

What's wrong palz...why the race he asked them as they galt seeing him.

Uncle fadil stole my iPad and is not ready to return it fadila said.

Uncle i didn't steal anything she just misplaced it and is putting the blame on me he fired back.

You are lying you are the one who took it.

Fadila did you see him with your own eyes.

No uncle i didn't see him but i know no one will take it apart from him.

Maybe you misplaced it as he said so you should check the house again ok.

Ok uncle she said pouting sadly.

Sadeeq sadeeq .... kabeer called poor sadeeq who was busy making a phone call with his loml.

What now do you want please can you take this kids inside i need to go to our house, ammiey and abbi wants to see me.

Ok let's go kids he said holding their hands.

No i want to follow uncle kabeer fadil suddenly said snatching his hand away from sadeeq.

What can't follow me now you know your mom will look for you.

Even i want to follow you uncle kabeer fadila also said.

Come on palz it's serious that's why am going alone without even sadeeq so don't be stubborn.

But uncle kabeer the wedding and everything here is so boring fadil said.

Ohkk sadeeq please enlightened their mood i will get going he said and left them all standing there.

Later at night after rabeenat was brought to her matrimonial house and all the guest left kabeer came back all alone and just went straight to najwa's room.

Kabeer!!she said surprise written all over her face as she stop writing.. what are you doing here now.

What else would i do at my room najwa if not sleeping.

Sleeping 😴...hba you must be joking today is your wedding faj how can you come to my room i don't accept it..

You don't need to accept it dan wlh am not sleeping in the same room with her today.

You are so stubborn fadan rashin gaskiya ba.

There is nothing like fadan rashin gaskiya here. So if you are done studying just switch off the light 🕯️ cause am so tired and need rest he said going in to the bathroom and later on coming out with his jallabiya.

Do you have lectures tomorrow he asked laying on the bed as he checked his phone.

Yeah just two  courses in the morning then one in the afternoon.

Then when are we going for the chec up..

Let's leave it on Monday i think i have only one in the morning.

Okay then  i will book an appointment for you today and we would go on Monday.

Ok thank you so much kabeer for the care and everything.

Just study hard ok... good night he said switching off his side light.

What do you mea you are going to the office this is not fair you know it kabeer came rabeenat's angry voice following kabeer who was dressed in his neatly and expensive suit ready to go to the office.

Then tell me what's fair he said halting in his steps .

You are to spend time with me for heavens sake.

Am leaving kabeer came najwa's voice walking down the stairs dressed in her peach abaya looking so very beautiful.

I will drop you too let's go he said ignoring rabeenat's presence and was about to leave when she drag najwa's bag and throw it away .

Rabeenat are you crazy kabeer shouted angrily.

Yes i am you can say i am more than can you do this to me as if am nothing she said crying and left the living room while kabeer took najwa's bag and gave it to her.

Kabeer i think we should talk in the evening all three of us she said feeling bad about everything that just happened.

Ok let's go now before we get late he said and they left without uttering anything more word about what happened.

later that evening they talked and  try to sort things out but kabeer is not agreeing to anything that najwa said to the extent that they even fought in front of rabeenat and najwa left the living room angrily.

Am sorry najwa it's just that i really do not want to stay with her kabeer said while najwa just ignored him.. please najwa don't give me this silent treatment he said moving close to her but she backed away.

Kabeer you are suppose to be with rabeenat now she said not looking at him with the pretense of studying.

Naj....... please kabeer just go we can talk tomorrow but not now   your wife is waiting for you.

Fine i will go take care and have your medicine pecking her head which she didn't comment about nor stopped him from doing so.

Guys....... like serious destined to meet is finally coming to an end....
Just one or more chapters left and everything will be over.

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