chapter five

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Salam alaikum....
Hope y"ll are doing great and are in a better condition....

"Hba kabeer how can you do this kasan it's not fair ba you are ruining your life, that girl's and also rabeenat's" said a woman's voice who seem to be in her mid thirties in a white painted huge lavishly decorated office with a man sitting next to her on a couch.

Hmmmm... Why do you think am doing this Maryam?

I know because of that land but you know that you are not doing the right thing can you agree to marry someone you have never knew or met just because of a land.

That's just not a land it's rabeenat's dream to build an orphanage there and I must fulfil her dream no matter what because she mean the world to me.

Are you planning to do that by breaking her heart you know if you marry someone else she will be heartbroken even if you are doing it for her.

I know but am doing everything for her and I know she would understand and we can even say that am helping that girl as well you know her uncle get down on his knees to beg me that I should marry her and he is ready to do anything I want.

I don't know about all that kabeer that's their problem what I know is that you are doing the wrong thing because you are going to hurt innocent lives.

I......... He was about to speak when he got interrupted by twins kids a boy and a girl in a school uniform who came running into the office calling out 'mummy'.

"So you guys are back why didn't you go back home directly" Maryam asked.

"Actually mummy it's fadil that asked the driver to drop us here" the little girl said sitting next to kabeer.

fadila am I the only one that said the driver should stop by here even you contributed in talking.

"Hey pals stop the debate now and tell me how was your day at school today" kabeer asked.

"Hmmm... we can say Some how good at least" fadila said.

Ohkk... Whatever now go and wait for me in my office I want to speak with your uncle for sometime.

"Ohk... Mummy" they said in unison and left the office holding hands discussing about only what God knows.

"Toh... Since this is your decision I will talk to Mom and Dad about it so that we can start with the preparation" Maryam said.

Ohkkk... Thanks for understanding and about preparations you don't have to worry because I already informed her uncle that I don't want anything just after the nikkah they will take her to my house and then to our house that's all nothing more nothing less.

Ohkk...just decide everything and tell me about it now I will take the kids back home or else they will make me go crazy.

Ihmmmm bye.

After some days passed by............

Just like a blink of an eye days passed by quickly and today is najwa's wedding day a day in which girls are always happy about but for najwa it's something else.

"Wayyo sis just look at how amazing you look whl like a perfect 👰" came Zara's voice mockingly as she entered the room in which najwa stayed at after all the make up and everything.

If you are done please just leave me alone I don't want to talk to you.

"Ohhh 💔 hba sis how can just ask me to leave when I just arrived and don't worry in some months I will snatch Mr kabeer from you because from what I heard about him he's a really a big fish " she said and left the room hissing and smiling wickedly.

"Ya rabbil alamin" was all najwa could say as tears were making their way out of her eyes.

"Who said you can cry on a special day like this" uncle suleiman said as he entered the room giving her a beautiful smile.

"Uncle" she said hugging him while breaking into a new set of cries.

"Come on dear I said you should not cry right!!" He said wiping away the tears.

But why do they hate me so much I never did anything wrong to them.

It's because you are better than them in many things dear. Hope you will not resent me for getting you married like this.

Hba uncle I understand the reason you did it so don't worry, thanks.

That's my girl, now stop crying Kar mutane suce cry cry baby because the car that will take you to your home is already here.

What!!! She exclaimed fear written all over her face as she really don't know the kind of husband she got married to.

"Don't worry he is a good person" uncle suleiman said knowing what she must be thinking.

After chatting for some more time uncle suleiman was the only one and the driver that accompanied najwa to her in laws house and later on to her matrimonial home.
Ya Rahman if you see the house 🤭 it's so out of the world, just a simple duplex house with a large garden,gym,cinema,spa and a large hall. If you just see it wooow you would know what money is because that's what it's screaming.

Y"ll I actually have a bad hunch about this marriage, what if kabeer maltreats najwa because of rabeenat.
What will happen then.
But let's just continue with the journey to find out.
Hafy_writes love you guys 🥰.

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