chapter eighteen....the last chapter.

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Hlooo guys how are you doing today...

You know this is the last i hope you will enjoy it and hit The vote button ✅

Are you sure najwa if you need anything you can tell me fah anty maryam asked shy najwa whose head was down since they started talking about her pregnancy.

It's ok anty najwa i don't need anything more i will just go home now.

Why!! You should wait for kabeer i asked him to come pick you up.

No i can go back myself she said and was about to get up when she heard his voice...the voice she never forgets even when sleeping...the voice that always makes her blush even when  she is angry ... kabeer's voice.

Look har yazo shima you guys can go now i will go and finish preparing the kids room.

Ohkk bye najwa said waving 👋 at her.

Bye darling....

Why the silent treatment ne wai najwa i said am sorry ai since yesterday.

But i never said am still angry at you.

Yeah i know you said it's ok but it's not please forgive me 🙏 .

Kabeer i don't have any problem with you anymore so you should stop bothering yourself.

If you said so then you should give me your cutest smile 😊.

Ahh lalle kam you are not serious just drive..

Ohkk big baby......he said and  continue driving while she starts reading her book.

What the hell is happening here in the house kabeer said due to the loud music that's coming from rabeenat's side.

I have no idea let's go and check najwa said and they hurriedly left.

What the hell is this kabeer shouted angrily as he was surprised and shocked at the sight he is seeing.

What do you mean today is my birthday 🎈🎂 so we are celebrating rabeenat said.

So today is your birthday amd that's why you brought these people to my house dancing and drinking right.

Hba kabeer wai what's your problem ne ni can't you allow me to enjoy my life..

Get out all of you...NOW!!! I a hurry all the girls and boys pack their things and left the house.

I don't want to ever see something like this again in my house he said angrily and left along with najwa trailing behind him silently.

Sry for what ever happened kabeer najwa said as she saw the pain in his eyes.

Am sorry najwa i shouldn't have married that woman.

It's ok kabeer just forget about it...

Najwa am a bad husband if not how can i not even take care if my house properly.

Listen hubby even God knows you are trying your best so it's not your fault if she turns out to be  a bad person.

Thank you for always understanding and forgiving my mistakes.

You don't have to worry am always there for let's sleep tomorrow i am having my final exams so i have to wake up early.

Good night baby you can sleep cause i have some files to sign in my study.

Ohkk then good night she said hugging him..

Good night mine he said pecking her forehead then left to his study.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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