chapter seventeen

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Slm guys am really not in a good mood at all but thinking i have a book to write really enlightens my mood so please don't disappoint me and vote the book......

Which kind of a human being are you ne nikam must you look for trouble najwa said to rabeenat who has been chewing gum loudly non stop since ignoring her presence.

Rabeenat give me back my phone before i .......what will you do in this condition of yours she said sarcastically referring to her huge baby bump.

Whatever condition is none of your business so just give me back  my damn phone right now she shouted angrily.

I think 🤔 i threw it at the main bin while i was sweeping this living room..

How dare you throw my phone at the bin and who even ask you to sweep my rom..

cause the living room is so dirty and that's where a cheap item like that deserves to be don't you think.

If am right your father is not the one who bought it for me so just shut up and stop speaking nonsense.

Yeah...if he is alive he will never buy cheap things for even orphans talk more of his daughter.

I don't have the energy to talk to you so suit yourself she said and was about to leave but rabeenat's next word stop her.

The game is not over yet najwa so get ready for what's to come next..

Am not playing game with anyone rabeenat.

ıf you are not playing games then leave this house and kabeer's life or else i will be the end of you and that baby of yours

Try touching us and i will show you what real madness is she said hissing and left the living room  angrily to go and pick her phone in the bin.


Is she troubling you najwa kabeer asked seeing  how she looks somehow troubled...

No she can't do that ai it's just that today am missing my mimi,ya nameer and daddy she said sadly.

Don't worry dear they are in a better place and are happy for you.

Thanks bae..when are you leaving for the trip.

The day after tomorrow but I won't be long.

Okk please 🙏 come back quick cause living with this your wife is hell wlh...

😂😂 I thought you can deal with her but here you are complaining.

Stop laughing dan wlh it's not funny do you know today she threw my phone in the bin..

What...why would she do that..

I don't know just looking for trouble mna.

Sry i will talk to her please just don't mind her..

Thank you kabeer  and don't worry i won't mind her..

That's my girl...i love you

I love you more she Said laying on his lap while he pat her head slowly and just like a baby she she drift into a peaceful deep slumber ..


What the hell is this sound came najwa's sleepy voice as she opened her eyes due to the loud music that's been played in her living room..... annoyed she decided to check who it was and yeah it's none other than the person she is expecting...the devil rabeenat..the trouble in form of human..

Nikam rabeenat don't you have your own side ne why do you always trouble my peace ne nikam najwa said so annoyed already burning in rage at the sight she is seeing.....

Yeah i have my own side but i see that yours is  more spacious than mine and it is more fun to be here that's why i decided to bring my guest here she said indicating the two arrogant looking girls that are with her smoking and drinking some drugs in the living room.

I can understand that but do they have to do all this rubbish here ko ance musu nan gidan mashaya neshe said pointing at the cigarettes that the two girls are holding..

Please mind your own business and don't talk to them....they are just enjoying themselves.

Please rabeenat kabeer will be very angry if he saw  or heard this so ask them to stop it and leave.

Ke dalla kabeer is not even in town so why bother yourself if you want you can join them..

I know but just because he is not around doesn't mean anything can happen in his absence and i have manners.

Please rabee you guys are disturbing us    my head already feels like exploding said one of the girls who is highly intoxicated and looks like a zombie .

Sry halii i think we should just go back to my side cause i think this  yar iska  will never let you have the enjoyment you want.

How dare you najwa rabeenat said angrily holding the cheeks that  najwa just  gave a resounding slap..

Don't you dare call me that name again and better leave my side before i come back or else you will regret ever coming to this house she said and left them standing mouth agape burning in anger.

Wlh she is so dramatic am even tired of living in the house najwa said over the phone to the person she is speaking with.

It's ok baby am sure you can handle her well just stop saying you are tired because if kabeer heard you he will be broken 💔 ikram said.

Then will you visit me this weekend and enlighten my mood please wlh am so bored a shi kina he is not returning till Wednesday.

Tabb you know how my husband is he doesn't allow me to go out but i will try then we will come together with karima.

Ohkk girl thank you so much 😍🤩.

You are always welcome...

Bye i think i should go now cause i have to read for my upcoming tests.

Okk take care..

You as well she said and ended the

****†*guys i think the next chapter is going to be the last one soo please after am done I will like to know about your opinion on the book.....

Hafy_write loves you 🥰😍😍😍

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