chapter nine

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Hlo guys alhmdl we are back so think we should continue .

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" Come on najwa why are you being like this ne it really worries me Kuma You refused to tell me what the problem is " said karima who came and found najwa all alone in the school garden looking so sad.

Nothing is wrong with me Karima  i already told you am just sick that's why.

Sick oh my God Kuma shine you didn't tell me so we can go to the school clinic come on get up.

No no am fine now please just let me be alone and I will be ok.

Fine after you are done come back to class before Mrs Aisha start blabbering.

Ohkk bye 🤚 take care she said and left her all alone once again which after sometime she went back to the class and after school the driver came and pick her up.


Ai kabeer we are so angry at you ace you have been married for almost eight months amma sau daya sau hudu kawai najwa zata zo gidan nan kode kana mana rowan tane  his mother said .

Ammiey whl it's not like that you know she is always going to school and during weekdays Kuma she is studying for her jamb but insha Allah we will come soon.

Ayyah Allah taimaka ya bata sa'a and you have to keep your promise or else I will be 😠😡 at you .

Insha Allah yawwa no ammiey where is Abu neni when I called him about me coming he said he will be home naso Kuma the guards are saying he is not home.

Ehh whl it's an emergency that one of his friend's  son in lagos met with an accident and lost his life so that's why he left.

Ohkk Allah sarki Amy his soul rest in peace. Ehhmm ammiey I think I have to go cause I have to meet Sadiq.

Ohkk you can go Allah muku albarka dakai da matar ka.

Ameen ammiey he said and after that went to the office but to his surprise Sadiq is not there so he decided to just go back home.

Sir Mr Sadiq is here said the gateman after kabeer entered the house.

Oh really then I will meet him inside he said and went to the living room where he can heard laughter of the person he really  can't live without now.

Salam alaikum he said making his presence known.

Ohh Kinga he is even back I will finish giving you the story some other time.

And which story are you giving her he asked sitting next to her which made her shift a little bit far from him.

Of course yours mna about how stubborn you are when we were in secondary school if you can remember there was a time you paint our teachers car with green paint.

What painting car najwa said laughing but suddenly stopped when she saw that kabeer has been looking at her for long. Ehhmm I will just go and bring lunch for you people she said and was about to leave when kabeer hold her hand.

Let's go together I will help you he said staring deep into her beautiful eyes.

I think I should go home kabeer maybe you two will not come back after you entered the kitchen he said smiling.

Yes I think that's great you should leave dama i want to be with my wife.

No Sadiq please don't listen to him you should stay I will just warm the food and bring it.

No don't bother yourself fah I really have to go bye he said and quickly leave the house.

My hand najwa said a little bit coldly not looking him in the eye.

I don't want let go of it let's go and warm the food together.

I can do it myself so please leave my hand .

I said am not leaving it but if you really want me to let go of your hand then  you have to agree that I will take you to school tomorrow.

What!! no I don't want it .

Ok then today our hands will be together we will perform ablution together pray together and even the other things together.

No fine I agree you will take me to school tomorrow now leave my hand.

Not that easily there is one more you should kiss me on the cheeks and I want it to express  deep love .

Why are you doing this to me you know I won't do it.

As you wish let's warm the food together now.

Fine I will do it but first let go of my hand .

Ok he said and she was about to ran away when he hold her from the back tightly.

Come on wifey you  know you can't run from me even if you want to.

Please let go of me I will do want you want.

Promise first then I will let you go.

Fine I promise now let go of me please she said and then he let go of the grip turning to him he bend down a little bit since he is taller than her   so she gave him a small peek and quickly walk away before he could say anything.


Are you not hungry najwa asked seeing how he has been playing with his fork  while staring at her.

Am full just from looking at you. Do you know you look fatter than before I mean you look more big.

No I don't but you will obviously think so because you have been staring at me for hours.

I know you won't believe it ai .

Whatever just eat or if you won't let me do so in peace.

Thank you najwa thank you so much kabeer said all of the sudden.

Why are you thanking me now I mean for what she asked curiously.

For forgiving me and giving me a chance to make our relationship the best.

Don't worry kabeer it's all in the past so stop talking about it .

Thank you 🤗.

It's my pleasure.

I love you.

I won't say anything about these kam kaga tafiyata ma.

I know you love me and soon I will prove it to you baby he said smiling.

While she just ignored him and left also smiling of what God knows.

Hlo baes hope you are doing great and enjoying the book ? If yes then please be voting as a sign of encouragement .

Hafy_writes loves you 🥰💯

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