chapter thirteen

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   Guys my  deepest apology for not updating sooner wlh it's my phone thst slept and refuse to wake up that's why but insha Allah 🤲 i will try my very best to make you people happy...

Hlooooo fam we are back with Allahs's grace so alhamdulillah 🙏. I think we should continue our journey so let's have  our fanta and munch it near us.

Kabeer.... came najwa's seductive voice laying on his lap playing with her fingers..

Yes big baby what's wrong he asked as he drop his phone on the bedside table and put his full attention on her.

Am hungry and i want to eat agwalima she said giving him that look that always manage to control him..

Big baby you've been eating things for the past one hour  ysnx fah 2 am ne na dare  and  what is agwalima again he asked looking like he will cry because of how tired he was from going to and fro the whole weekend for her.

Yanxu kai baka ma sanshi ba shikenan just forget about it i don't want anything she said angrily and turn her face away from him.

Wlh am serious I don't know it you can ask me for something else i will go and get it for you.

Ni nace I don't want anything so leave me dama bacci nakeji so i will sleep now she said and adjust herself well on the bed.

I will go and get it for you now so please stop being angry am sorry .

Really will you get it for me.... that's why I love you so much my handsome husband kaii you are the best she said pulling his cheeks smiling like she have  won a lottery.

Yess i will get it for you he said as he got down from the bed and took his car keys.

I love you so very much mi amor she said smiling at him.

I love you too babe he said pecking her cheeks before leaving.

Wayyo nikam naga ta kaina wlh where will i find it in the middle of the night kabeer said as he kept driving for an hour without seeing any sign of a living being outside.let me call karima and ask her........

Who is this disturbing my beautiful sleep came karima's voice from the other end of the line.

Salam karima it's kabeer please dama najwa ce wai she wants agwalima and i really don't know where to get it for her.

Ohhh ayyah i think our neighbor's daughter is selling it   so let me ask the mother.

Ohkk please do do...

Kabeer thank GOD there is for only two hundred naira left do you want it..

Yes wlh i want it i will come and collect it now he said igniting his engine in full speed.

Hba najwa how can i bring it for you and you will say you don't want it anymore kinsan this is torture ba.

Nifa i just said i will have it tomorrow yanxu am feeling sleepy that's all she said in her sleepy voice.

Ohkkk sleep for sometime before prayer time dan yanxu har 4 yayi kuma i have to go to the office tomorrow for signing documents.

Mmmmm was all she said before she continue sleeping.

Am really suffering from you wlh big baby he said looking at her sleeping peacefully.


What do you mean kabeer suffered last night meyayi she asked curiosly.

Kan ya samo miki agwalima mna ...this baby of yours is really giving us hard time karima said and they both laugh..

Ayyah kabeer bark after we finished today's waec i will visit his company.

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