chapter eight

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Hlo guys 🥰 we are still on najwa ..

You know I really pitied her and that kabeer I just hate him now.......
But don't worry we will know why he did that to our najwa.


"Ya rabbi why do I have a splitting headache" kabeer said upon opening his eyes...

that moment he just felt like there is someone near him but he can't remember sleeping with anybody in the Same he decided to check who it is and the second he saw najwa and the terrible condition she is in unconscious , tears couldn't stop themselves from coming out of his eyes.

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihirajiun 💔💔😭😭 what did I do to this girl.... It's not possible......maybe am just dreaming.. oh ya Allah. He said pouring his heart out not knowing what to do and the first person that came to his mind is Maryam his saviour in everything.

Hel..hello Maryam I mean anty Maryam please are you free.

"Toh fah 😅 kabeer yau kuma nice anty Maryam ina. Am at the office but not busy any problem"she asked concern all over her voice knowing that the great kabeer Umar al Amin never calls he anty unless he is in trouble.

Please it's najwa can you quickly come to my house alone.. please hurry.

Ohk am coming right now she said and hung up the call.

What's wrong with najwa kabeer she asked upon entering the house.

I ... I raped najwa last night the said as set of fresh tears start making their way out of his eyes.

You what.... Kabeer where is she am asking you.

I..n my bedroom he said .

Ya rabb she said as she ran into the room just to find an unconscious najwa covered in only blanket.

Kabeer is crazy she said as she started by calling a female doctor and later on after the doctor left she help depressed najwa have a spiritual bath then take her back to her room.

"Please najwa talk to me at least your silence is really killing me" she said to poor najwa who hasn't spoken to anyone since the moment she regained consciousness.

Salam alaikum came kabeer's slow and sad voice as he entered the room.

" .... you I hate you I hate you just leave I don't want to see you just leave me alone I said leave you rapist" she shouted curling herself to the bed .

Naj ..najwa i .....
Just leave for now please kabeer anty Maryam interrupted him.

Ok please don't be angry he said and sadly dragged himself out thinking of only what God knows.

Ehmmn..najwa calm down please .... I know what kabeer did to you was horrible and you can choose to forgive him or not but you should know that even in Islam since he is your husband it's ok even though he forced you.

" I will never forgive that man never ever he ruined my life and everything I have planned so far" she said crying so bitterly.

Please just give him some time to explain himself because I know my brother will never do something like this in his right senses there might be a reason for it.

I don't know about that all I know is that he ruined my life... Am supposed to write jamb in the next four months .

I know najwa that's why you should calm down so you can recover well and continue your studies kinsan Dr raihana said you should always be resting then after that sort it out with him peacefully.

Tha.. thanks anty Maryam you always help me like a mother and sister.

It's ok najwa Kinga I spend my whole day at your house now I have to go or else I know those kids of mine will turn the house upside down.

But you can't leave me alone with him in this house what if he does something bad to me again ni gaskiya an scared .

He will never do that because he is your husband and I trust him dear you should also do so and give him a chance I promise everything will be fine.


Kai kabari kawai whl am serious ni kaina i disgust myself because of what I did to her and I never realize I love her so much until after the incident came kabeer's sad voice together with a man around his age and height also dashing just that he is a little more tall and handsome.

Hmmm... Ni bansan me zance ba akan case in gaskiya kawai just try and explain it to her that rabeenat is the master mind of everything and that you are deeply sorry for it and you will make it up for her.

How do I do it bayan she doesn't even want to see my face she hate me fah to the core .

That's why you should try hard and make her get used to you maybe this is a chance to make your marriage workout ma so we can be able to come for naming ceremony soon .

You are crazy ko harwani so can come to naming ceremony amma You are right I will do that but seriously Sadiq I regretted ever knowing rabeenat in my life.

DAma ai it's your fault since we have been telling you to break up with that girl because she is not your type na farko she is Christian na biyu ahe is money monger but you said she is a good person and her religion is not a problem blah blah blah...

I know but now I realize my mistake and I will rectify it no matter what.

Yanxu naji batu now you should go back and be with your beloved wife I know she must be lonely.

Allah sa kar ta koreni a gidan de kabeer said as he remembered najwa's curse word and how it really hurts him.

Hba she won't do that ai believe me

I have to go back because anty Maryam will leave and she will be scared alone in that house after what happened.

Toh fah anty Maryam masha Allah kace kayi hankali sosai mna since yanzu harda cewa anty .

Sadiq don't make me angry right now than zanci mutuncin kane Ni.

It's ok am sorry now go back to your little wife and take care of her Sadiq said before bursting into another laughter.

Kabeer just hissed and left him in the room promising to deal with him after the great task he have in hand.

Hlo y"ll sry for my incompetence but hope you will continue reading my gray book.

Hafy_writes love you all 🥰🥰
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