chapter two

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Hlo y"all by the grace of Allah we meet once again.
hope you are really enjoying this book.
And hope y"all will  like and comment at the comment section 🙏🙏🙏.
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@ hafy_writes.
Don't forget that hafy_writes really love you.

"Hba najwa dear get up mna you are the only one not ready" came Mimi's voice trying to wake a sleeping najwa.

"Please Mimi give me five more minutes then I will get up" she cutely said in her sleepy voice.

If you won't get up then I will not buy the shawarma for you.

"No am up please buy it for me" she scream as she removed the duvet from her body.

Then quickly go and get ready every one is waiting for you at the dining area.

"Ok I will be there in a jiffy" she said and ran into her bathroom.

Mimi brought out a Barbie dress for her from the walk in closet and left.

Some minutes later.......

"Good morning Daddy" najwa said as she sat next to her brother.

Morning dear.

Baby doll you look so beautiful.

Thank you ya nameer, you also look handsome.

Ahh baby doll thank you 😊.

They ate their food in silence maintaining the table manners and after they were done they left to the airport and board their plane to Adamawa.

"Uncle suleiman" najwa screamed as she saw him along with his driver waiting for them patiently at the airport.

"How are you dear" he said as he picked her up.

Doing great but I miss you and Adamawa alot.

Ahhhh 😂 don't worry since you are here we will have a tour around it.

"Good afternoon uncle" came nameer's voice.

Ohhh big man how are you and your health.

Somehow fine alhamdullah.

Wish you quick recovery.

Thank you 😊.

Ohhh Yaya and hajiya  how are you doing.

"We are fine alhamdullah" daddy said
As they shake hands.

"So good Masha Allah Ina nafisa" Mimi asked.

She is Doing good at home. let's go home now so you can   rest and later on we can have fun.

"Okk let's go " they all said and entered the car then the driver put their luggages at the back and ignite the engine.

"Mimi just look everything has changed" nameer said looking out through the window.

Gaskiya Kam Adamawa really changed alot, just look at the roads and new buildings.

"Ai all thanks is to our leaders they are really working" uncle suleiman said.

"Ahhh gaskiya Masha Allah they are really trying" Daddy said.

"Uhmmmmm you people are making noise let me sleep peacefully" najwa complained in a sleepy voice.

"Toh Yar Mimi is talking let's be silent and let her sleep " uncle suleiman said and  they all laugh.

"Wooow Masha Allah suleiman haka ka gyara gidanka" daddy said as the driver halt in a beautiful white painted duplex house with so many flowers .

ai Yaya you are the one who helped me if not da bankai haka ba ai . Let's go inside.

Ahh ahh anty Ina wuni hajiya nafisa happily said as she opened the door and gave her a hug.

Lafiya klau nafisa ya gida sannan Ina  Zara banganta ba.

Alhmdl everything is fine here and Zara went to her friend's house to play.

Ohhh ayyah to may she be back safe and sound.

Ameen thank you, sit down please and be comfortable.

Thanks for your kindness we really appreciate it.

It's ok anty ai ke Yaya ce dole na, let me get something for you people to have . She said and ran inside the kitchen only to come out with some drinks,oranges  and biscuits.

Hajiya najwa da nameer ba magana ne yau.

"Good afternoon anty " they said in unison.

Ahhh afternoon dear kids was all she said before she allowed them to have the refreshments.

After the refreshments they went to the room that was reserved for them especially and had a good rest before later on uncle suleiman gave them a good tour around Adamawa state which was really interesting and  good because they enjoyed alot especially hajiya najwa.

"Mommy ni gaskiya bazan yadda nayi sharing room da najwa ba kinsan I hate her" came a little girl's voice of najwa's height and age sitting together with anty nafisa in the living room all alone.

Don't worry dear it's just for some time ace after family nata sundawo daga tafiyar .

Okk then since you said so, I will get going now but kusan yadda zakiyi ki raba Mana daki.

Ok emmm Zara please karki mata bakin Hali and don't worry xan nema mats wani room .

"Ok mommy don't worry ai nace baxanyi ba" she said and left murmuring only what God knows. After she entered the room she saw tired najwa on the bed sleeping peacefully.

"Mayya ni na tsaneki whl" she said and lay down next to her switching off the light.

Hy y"ll hope you enjoyed the second chapter.

I really appreciate your effort for supporting me and this novel because it really means alot and I hope you will like 👍 and write your comment .
Hafy_writes love you.

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